Archbishop in pot calling kettle black shock

For once I find myself agreeing with Clubman. I can't believe it, must be a God after all
Dr Brady said people were "seeking to control their future rather than entrust their future to God's promise and plan".

Because clearly he's always looked out so well for his followers in the past ...

I guess the Catholic Church is really feeling the pinch if the competition from a few tarot card readers and the like is starting to scare them.
Having faith has helped more than it has hindered, and he is just preaching from what he clearly believes is correct.
Having faith has helped more than it has hindered, and he is just preaching from what he clearly believes is correct.

Well, as Vanilla said, that statement is extremely debatable. Dr. Sean Brady may believe that the Catholic Church "still holds the answer" but the nonsense spouted by Tarot card readers and the scam artists on Psychics Live is just as credible as anything he believes.

Imagine the uproar if he read the same speech but used "Islam" in place of "fortune-tellers"? Even though surely, this is something he also "believes is correct".

As always, the Catholic church plumps for the soft target.
Apart from the less educated, even the most devout christians agree with non-believers that 'faith' is illogical - most theologists accept this.

Christian (or any) 'faith' has undoubtedly contributed to some good (charities etc) but when it tips over into zeal and beyond, it's hard to accept it's overall value.
Typical religious guff - "what I believe in is right, what you believe in is wrong" - let's have a fight over it!

I agree with Clubman - I wonder does anyone in the church realise the irony in saying they collude with an illusion?
Having faith has helped more than it has hindered
Very much debateable as others have suggested.
and he is just preaching from what he clearly believes is correct.
Of course he is quite entitled to do this. But others are also entitled to disagree and consider his views contradictory and illogical (e.g. our hocus pocus is better than others' hocus pocus).
Thankfully Ireland and the Irish people now take any outburst by the men of cloth for what it is, useless, uninformed twaddle...
Watching RTE's annual repeat of 'Reeling in the years' over the last few nights and seeing the influence the catholic church had in years gone by makes me wonder if my parents generation feel stupid for putting up with catholic interference in there lives...
Imagine the uproar if he read the same speech but used "Islam" in place of "fortune-tellers"? Even though surely, this is something he also "believes is correct".

I think there is a big leap there from fortune teller to Islam. Of course there would be total uproar. Are you sure this is something he also "believes is correct"? (Note: Im not disagreeing with you, Im just curious as to facts behind this statement). While Islam is not Catholicism there are many similarities in the area of Faith. I really dont think that is a statement someone (of any religion) would come out with.

I think most people here, regardless of God/Catholicism, would agree that tarot card readers and fortune tellers are a load of nonsense. Therefore I dont really see whats so scandalous about the archbishops remarks? He's not crazy about them either. You have something in common with him.

I see no difference in Tarot Card readers/Fortune Teller or the so called teaching of the catholic church...
Tarot card etc is based on superstition and getting people to hand over money and the catholic church is based on eh.... superstition and handing over money....

Little if no difference from what I can see...

Hence the title of this thread... "Pot calls kettle black"
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I know you feel like that, many people feel like that. I didnt say you shouldnt feel like that. Im just pointing out that on the topic of Fortune Tellers/Tarots the Archbishop agrees with you.

I understand why the title is pot kettle black
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I am coming from a stance that i don't practice any form of religion, but I do feel that having something to believe in is important. In times of despair or when feeling at your lowest I do pray for some help to get me through or to help someone else. My point is that faith is like a great hope, something that you can have regardless of your wealth or if you are 'less educated'. Tarot cards etc may be a form of faith, but they generally come with a parting of cash so it would be of my opinion that they are there to con the vulnerable, though i am sure there is also an element who do have great faith in them

what I don't like is that when the church (catholic) is mentioned so many people seem to try to shout them down and say they are a joke, con etc and how foolish were our parents, grandparents etc for letting them have so much power in their day. I do feel that it is simply ignorant to describe ones faith and/or religion as
useless, uninformed twaddle

the catholic church is based on eh.... superstition and handing over money....
a simplistic statement in the extreme
MrMan said:
I do feel that it is simply ignorant to describe ones faith and/or religion as
useless, uninformed twaddle

Do you mean ignorant as is rude or as in uneducated?
Rude, education doesn't seem to increase the levels of good manners i'm afriad.
My point is that faith is like a great hope, something that you can have regardless of your wealth or if you are 'less educated'.

Yes. Anyone can have faith but it still doesn't mean there is any logic or real sense to it. My point was that while some believers accept this, many (mostly less educated) don't even realise this and have never considered or questioned their own 'beliefs'.

Catholics are encouraged to question their beliefs as part of their religious life/path.

Admittedly, the Archbishop's comments pale in comparison to the biblical instruction he is following

27 " 'A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.' " (Leviticus 20:27, NIV)
It is impossible to have a duality of faiths - faith is based on believing that one particular religion is the "true" one. So the Archbishop must be similarly disdainful of a growing population of followers of Islam as well as followers of the occult. However, he picks the considerably softer target of the occult for his speech.

I cannot see how anyone can credibly claim one is nonsense and the other isn't but I guess that's pretty much the basis for all religion.

I've never come across a religion that doesn't want your cash in exchange for something that you cannot redeem until after you die. At least the tarot reader has the decency to deliver the goods upfront. Surely it is incredibly strange "to believe" but not practice? If I thought there was even a 1% chance of the Archbishop's beliefs being true, I'd be a strict adherent to Catholicism (even all the bits that contradict the other bits).

Lets just say our grandparents/great grandparents weren't foolish for allowing the catholic hierarchy interfere in their sex lives and allowing them to rule there lives (and I include government in this also)

Were our forebears and ancestors throughout Europe also not foolish for allowing the catholic church to put people to death because there professed a different faith?

The catholic church are a joke and have lost the respect of most people who have finally woken up to there misguided teachings.