I'm half-tempted to rename this thread '
Anyone NOT having problems with BT Billing for Broadband?'
As posted elsewhere, I've had an ongoing billing issue with BT since last July/August. Without going into boring details,
(a) BT fecked up my transfer to single billing w/'Talk Plus', so that I ended up being overcharged for a bunch of 'free' calls. The bill was paid by DD from my credit card, so, after protracted correspondence, I finally managed to get an apology and a promise of a refund.
(b) Refund failed to materialise.
(c) Without any action from my side, the DD to my credit card mysteriously stopped working. Every month or so, I'd email them a reminder and ask them to sort out the problem. Nada. Zip. Zilch. But now I owed
them money instead of the other way round, so I let it sit...
(d) As my unpaid bill mounted, I suddenly received a stiff letter from them with all sorts of dire threats about disconnection, re-connection fees, referrals to debt collection agencies, etc.
(e) Wrote back and gave new meaning to the word 'stiff'...

Fulsome apologies all round, assurances that there would be no disconnection and that the problem would be resolved. This was in December.
(f) Last week, got a call at work from another poor sap to say that this had landed on her desk, that everything was OK now and would I please pay up. Looked online again — no refund, no change of any kind. Only online option was to overpay what I didn't owe.
Having checked carefully where and to whose attention it should be sent, I've now posted them a cheque for what I reckon I actually owe them, together with a copy of all the correspondence. I wonder what'll happen next...