The reality is, that there are some cases where for whatever reason family cannot be located or contacted in the event of a sudden death of a loved one. This has happened me personally, the details of which are just too painful and at times almost unbelievble to comprehend. The very notion that my relation (or non-relation for that matter), would be used for such a purpose fills me with horror. It's all very well saying "It's a bit different from unclaimed bodies that have not been buried" - what about bodies that have lain on a hospital mortuary slab for six months (for whatever reason), is it ok to use those bodies - just because of ineptitute on the part of the service who is meant to trace family.
The notion that we are all expected to opt out of having our bodies desecrated is seriously disturbing. Are we saying that homeless people and the like, who may well be unclaimed here or abroad are somehow more deserving of this maltreatement then the rest of us who are in the priviledged position of a) being able to voice our wishes or b) have family and friends act as our trusted guardians.
Unclaimed bodies either for this type of exhibition or even for ordinary medical research/education where the wishes are UNKNOWN should never be used like this. 'Ethical purposes' and 'unkown wishes' should never appear in the one sentence.
Even in pagan times bodies were treated with the utmost repect.
But for those who don't have a religious background or theory there are firmly established guidelines.
2008 was the 60th anniversary of The UN Declaration of Human Rights - Article 1 states
Article 1.
The notion that we are all expected to opt out of having our bodies desecrated is seriously disturbing. Are we saying that homeless people and the like, who may well be unclaimed here or abroad are somehow more deserving of this maltreatement then the rest of us who are in the priviledged position of a) being able to voice our wishes or b) have family and friends act as our trusted guardians.
Unclaimed bodies either for this type of exhibition or even for ordinary medical research/education where the wishes are UNKNOWN should never be used like this. 'Ethical purposes' and 'unkown wishes' should never appear in the one sentence.
Even in pagan times bodies were treated with the utmost repect.
But for those who don't have a religious background or theory there are firmly established guidelines.
2008 was the 60th anniversary of The UN Declaration of Human Rights - Article 1 states
Article 1.
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood