Hi Folks have been using mine for 3 weeks now and have found it fantastic. Mikeljoe77 you have mentioned you still crave a cigarette and don't feel you get a 'kick' from it the same a regular cigarette, I think the point is that it is never going to be a direct replacement, when you inhale a real cig there is so much more than nicotine you inhale that if all those things were taken out it would be very different. I have found the best way to use the e-cig is to make the decision to quit and then only use the e-cig when you feel a real craving. I have a friend who also bought one and he doesn't actually want to quit, he just said he'd try it out of curiosity so it is going to feel a lot different for him. In terms of it irritating your chest I have not found this at all but if you are worried you can get all the health & safety documentation from myeasyquit.com as I had them email it to me when I did my initial research. I suppose like most things everybody is different and giving up will require will power no matter what method is used (and I've tried them all!) But of them all I definitely think this method has been the best for me and requires the least will power. Good luck!