The single coat plaster render would not be recommended at this moment as there has being some cracking with it on ICF walling even though it has BS certification for such. This is being used sucessfully on the thermo X type walls ie poured mass concrete or precast sections with the insulation glued and nailed to it and the monocresh finish sprayed on it.
The acrylic three coat plaster system with the bedded mesh in the base coats and the top coat can be got with a non maintenance colour and is proved to work with ICF and gives a great finish and is water resistant. This is what we used and it looks great.
The cost can vary with Acrylic as the some of the colours (bright blues) cost a lot more. The m2 cost installed for Acrylic is around the EUR45 to EUR50 depending on qty, location etc.. We had about 235sq mtrs and it cost just under 45/€sq/mtr in Dub.
A recommended plastering company the does a lot of acrylic work is Powerplaz and based in the North. They also do the single coat systems but still recommend the acrylic with the ICF. This is whom we used
The material cost for Nudura and concrete is approx EUR75 /mtr sq plus install cost. This can vary depending on where you are and how much you pay for concrete.
Hope this helps
The acrylic three coat plaster system with the bedded mesh in the base coats and the top coat can be got with a non maintenance colour and is proved to work with ICF and gives a great finish and is water resistant. This is what we used and it looks great.
The cost can vary with Acrylic as the some of the colours (bright blues) cost a lot more. The m2 cost installed for Acrylic is around the EUR45 to EUR50 depending on qty, location etc.. We had about 235sq mtrs and it cost just under 45/€sq/mtr in Dub.
A recommended plastering company the does a lot of acrylic work is Powerplaz and based in the North. They also do the single coat systems but still recommend the acrylic with the ICF. This is whom we used
The material cost for Nudura and concrete is approx EUR75 /mtr sq plus install cost. This can vary depending on where you are and how much you pay for concrete.
Hope this helps