Anybody backdated their Mortgage Interest Relief?



I recently applied for Mortgage Interest Relief and am therefore owed about 5 months of relief.Just wondering if anybody knows if I get the backdated payments and next months relief in one payment, or will it be 2 seperate payments? Its just that Ive had 200euro refunded into my account by Revenue yesterday (im expecting about 700 backdated) and Im hoping another payment is on the way!

Hi Gazman, as far as i can remember when this happened with us we got a cheque from the revenue for the amount relating to the previous year (Nov & Dec) and the balance from the new year posted to our mortgage account. Our mortgage provider reduced our mortgage repayments by a set amount over that year to give it back to us that way but I understand you can also request a cheque from your Mortgage Company to recoup the money. Hope that makes sense.
Hi there,

in my case I got a cheque from the revenue for the previous year(s) interest relief.

The interest releif is built into my mortgage payments and is handled directly by the bank after filling out a form.