Any tips on selling my house?

Thanks for all the really positive tips.
Great to get good vibes and wishes.

Here's hoping for a Positive outcome!

Don't panic!

Personally, I pitched a property 10% below similar properties in the area to see if I would get any "bites"

After a month of disappointingly zero viewings there was a sudden burst of interest.

Eventually some couples went head to head and I sold the property up 9% above my original asking price. I had the property on the market for 7 weeks and contracts were exchanged.

I woud reckon there is a lot of fear in the market place with a lot of vested interests trying to force down prices as well.

For my tuppence worth there must be some pent up demand in the market. People who can afford to buy will buy at a fair price.

Good luck in you sale.
werner, with respect, it's not the vested interests trying to bring prices down, it's simply market forces at work. Look at the number of properties for sale out there, supply well exceeds demand. Unemployment is rising daily. The hysteria surrounding rising house prices is gone, thank God! This is definitely a good thing. It's about time people got real with pricing, sugar-coating the issue isn't going to help the OP in selling the house.
My advice is to either actively try to sell the house by lowering the price, or to take it off the market, simple as..
Vested Interests vs. Market Forces sounds like a WWF tag wrestling bout. :) Good luck with it anyway!
Sounds like you made a good start in terms of the presentation of the house - keep on top of it and have it looking its best for every single viewing.

On the price front, two reports were released this week by & the Irish Auctioneers & Valuers Institute indicating that house prices have dropped 20-25% on average since the 2006 peak. Your price would seem to be in line with that figure but will be dependant on whether the prices in your area have been falling at a faster or slower pace.

You should also be aware that prices have been falling on average 0.8% per month over the past year - at €450k that's a potential drop of €3.6k per month. Someone mentioned a selling period of 9 months on average - I've certainly seen statistics suggesting 6 - 7 months is the norm but they might have more up-to-date info.

The IAVI also advised that enquiries are picking up and that there are buyers out there but they're looking for bargains...

I'd agree with the comment above - do your sums and know your bottom line, what you can afford to take to make the sale and walk away. I sold a property at the height of the market where I had to reduce the price which seemed painful at the time but ultimately allowed me to move on to a much better home.

Best of luck!
Thanks guys.

We have worked out the lowest figure we would take which has given us some comfort.

No interest but like the note that said that no interest the first month and then house sold..

We hope our house follows suit!