Personally I would not employ an estate agent - unless you agree a fixed price first - which included advertising costs. I would advertise the property myself - local newspaper - websites (sellityourself/privateseller - there are others) & keep the agents fee for myself. After all you will be doing all the hard work - preparing the house for viewing etc.
I recently went Sale Agreed, - no estate agent/auctioneer, sold myself as a private seller. Was Sale Agreed within a week. Advertised myself on Can't recommend it enough. In fact, I think most buyers thought it was a big plus as they felt I might be passing on the benefit. However, if you're not comfortable negotiating on large sums of money, - do acquire an estate agent.
Pricing is vital
What I see happenning at the moment is that a lot of people are chasing the market to the bottom. What I mean by "chasing the market" is this:
January: House asking price: 500K Market will pay: 480K
Come March, Vendor reduces price by 20K, BUT now:
March: House asking price: 480K Market will
now only pay:
Come May, Vendor reduces price by 20K, BUT now:
May: House asking price: 460K Market will
now only pay:
Come July, Vendor reduces price by 20K, BUT now:
July: House asking price: 440K Market will
now only pay:
Practically all vendors are doing the above, they're reducing their price over time but are one step behind the market. You need to reduce your price properly at the beginning to get to that market level, or if need be, below it. Its worth taking a hit early on in the process rather than slowly reducing but being one step behind the market.
I can't stress the above enough.
Photos are paramount. The house should look bright and spacious in the photos. If your agent took crap photos (many do), take them yourself on a sunny morning (whenever that might come...) and get him to use them.
IMPORTANT: Think of the photos as people doing viewings, because that's effectively what they amount to in this age of the internet.
Other things include,
- have plenty of mirrors in the house: they have plenty of light and space
- Don't just declutter, - you need to
depersonalize. No photos of family or pets. Minimize the kids stuff around the house. When people do viewings they shouldn't feel like they are walking around someone else's house