Slaphead - do you think it is acceptable that certified incompotent drivers (who have been tested - and failed) are allowed to continue driving on our public roads. This law is not unfair - it is common sense. Surely the testing system has to mean something. How do people who can't afford a car or are under 17 get by? They have to make alternative arrangements. I agree public transport is nowhere near where it should be, but this doesn't give us the right to ignore the safety of the general public (and a person who has failed an exam for compotence in driving must be some danger).
I agree, the law is fair and common sense, the law isnt the problem. Very few ppl in this country cant afford a car and u17's usually have parents to drive them and their travel needs are rarely as pressing or as frequent as a working 18yr old.
How is an 18 yr old who just did his leaving and lives at home and just got a new job in a shop 20 miles a way going to get to work every day? Mammy works 20 miles the other direction, theirs no bus? Simple, he'll have to stay at home, draw the dole.