Any good things to do during lockdown

Well done noproblem, good to get out and exercise. This is an excellent website to pick out some routes within the 2km radius. You might find you can go quite a bit further than you did today when the 2km is measured in a direct line rather than by road.

I expect that the issue of what 'brief' means will be clarified soon.

I'm surprised with the rule that if you go out with children from your household you must maintain a 2m physical distance. Sounds dangerous to me if crossing roads/driveways with small children. I can't see the benefit of it as I don't think there are many households where children will be maintaining a physical distance within the house. Maybe this will be changed?
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@llgon I dont believe its 2m from your children; if you live with them it makes no sense anyway.

Its 2m from any other person; letting your child run on ahead as they often do in normal times would be a problem.
Yes Thirsty, you're right. I was confused by Leo's speech last night when he said regarding exercise, 'which may include children from your own household so long as you adhere to physical distancing'.

However the website says 'You can bring children but must keep 2 metres away from others for social distancing'

You're right that it would make no sense if it was from each other.
I wish they had specified what they mean with "brief" in "brief individual personal exercise within 2km of your own home": 10 minutes? 47 minutes? 2 hours?

The over-riding message from the government is "Stay at Home" - You want specification of what they mean by "brief" - We are allowed to exercise within 2 kms of our home; use it, cherish it, love it. Let's cut the semantics, and maybe, just maybe we can delay the march of the virus. Use Common Sense repeat Common Sense.

There is little point in having the best sculpted body lying in a coffin.
Slightly different Covid-19 related issue but maybe some of you can assist. I have a teenage son, is an only child and, though sociable, and a member of a number of sports clubs, has acquaintances rather than close friends he can Facetime/WhatsApp. As such he has had practically no contact with teenage contemporaries in the past few weeks and is very bored. Does anyone know of any social networks/social media groups for only children or any other platform where he could make new friends, in a safe way of course?

This is a novel approach... an online whiskey tasting event. The samples will be posted out to you and the event takes place over the Zoom app:
[broken link removed]
This is a novel approach... an online whiskey tasting event. The samples will be posted out to you and the event takes place over the Zoom app:
Oooh. Speyside whisky. There is a great risk I'd have done my own tasting the day the post arrives!
the local skip providers are making a fortune, I've never seen so many in front of houses down my way. have to admit I got one myself for a good clear out. Amazing how much rubbish you accumalate and get used to.
seriously impressive
Blaise Smith one of Ireland's best portrait painters will be doing a live stream of painting a portrait today from 11 am to 4 pm. I have watched him paint portraits before but usually one hour drawings and it's interesting to see how they turn out. A 5 hour session will be interesting.

Hi there, I hope you are well.

I'll be doing a live Instagram portrait painting session from my home studio for the RHA Gallery between 11 and 4 pm today, Saturday 25th April. To see it just click here:

and then click on this icon in the top left to see the Livestream :
Hope to see you there.
(By the way - for those of you used to sports on a Saturday - Portrait Painting is even slower than Test Cricket, so adjust your expectations is always competitive however and there is a lot of strategy - There'll be a commentary!!).

When I saw that you had posted on this thread, I thought that in response to the original question, the suggestion would be along the lines: "make interesting posts to AAM!"

Thanks for the suggestion - I'm not sure if it's my cuppa - is there a MOTD version?!
4pm cocktail hour.
Mrs Wahaay and I alternate days of making a different cocktail.
Even after six weeks there's plenty more to try.
Once a week we keep in touch with staff on a Zoom drinking game session.
And with a group of our friends we organise a weekly shop for the elderly and those cocooning and stay for a while to chat and see if they're coping okay - which amazingly the old 'uns all are.
We've also never had a summer tan in mid-April before thanks to the recent good weather and unexpected free time in the garden.