anti snoring device

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I'm watching this thread with great interest as I must have the loudest snorer in Ireland!

I've had to move out of the marital bedroom, across the hall and even with all the doors closed, I can still hear him snoring in the night.

I dread holidays where we're in a hotel room even for a couple of nights as the lack of sleep turns me into an anti-christ.

I have come to dread visitors now as well, we've turned our spare bedroom into an office and I now have to forefit my room for an entire weekend to accommodate friends and move in with 'the noise maker'.

If I thought there was something out there that could give me a quiet night's sleep I'd buy it. :(
I'm watching this thread with great interest as I must have the loudest snorer in Ireland!

I've had to move out of the marital bedroom, across the hall and even with all the doors closed, I can still hear him snoring in the night.

I dread holidays where we're in a hotel room even for a couple of nights as the lack of sleep turns me into an anti-christ.

I have come to dread visitors now as well, we've turned our spare bedroom into an office and I now have to forefit my room for an entire weekend to accommodate friends and move in with 'the noise maker'.

If I thought there was something out there that could give me a quiet night's sleep I'd buy it. :(


Has your husband been checked to see if he has sleep aponea. Ask your GP for a referral letter to a respiratory physician in a hospital

Hi All, The wife to be was on to me about my snoring. She sent me a text about LAUP and seemingly this is supposed to be a miracle cure!!!! However on they seem to think its not that great. It can get rid of the snoring but if you suffer from APNOEA and get this treatment done, you could still suffer from APNOEA and not relise it. Has anyone heard of this treatment and if so is it any good and is it available in Ireland? I don't really be tired during the day so I am assuming that I don't suffer from APNOEA, so maybe it's the cure for me and some other snorers out there.
Hi guys,
I bought the ring a while back and it has helped but not cut the snoring out totally I am afraid :-(

I'm a pretty bad snorer and tried the ring too with no success. My partner alternates between ear plugs and midnight vacations to the spare bedroom too. Its a real pain. I'm going to buy that boots remedy this weekend and will post my findings here next week
My OH tried the ring and within a few days I was sleeping through the night, as he wasn't being disturbed by his relentless snorring! The ring was worth every cent but it's not cheap it ranges in price from 40 to 50 Euro but the Boots on Grafton Street had some in old packaging behind the pharmacy counter in the back I we bought that for 30 euro or so.
We went with that after a friend swore by it and I have to say I didn't think it would work but it does and I have no idea why.
I get that it might not work for everyone but it's certainly worth a try!
i found a very reliable and cheap method to protect against snoring.....I wear ear plugs!!!! Never mind devices which gently buzz when he/she starts snoring - swift elbow in the ribs usually does the trick, then i put back in the ear plug which fell out. himself is VERY impressed!
How come all the advertising for anti-snoring devices show snoring men and narky wives, and not vice versa?
My MIL recently told me to try putting a wine cork under the hubby's pillow and while it hasn't cut out the snoring completely, it's certainly at lot quieter that it was.

Don't ask me how it might work, but it's worth a try, I've had a much better sleep the last few nights!
ended up giving up smoking as a last resort to really bad snoring and finally after 3 months the snoring is gone and I have been re-admitted to the marital bed, 3 cheers for me.
Have read all your replies with great mirth.... I too live/sleep with a bad snorer. We bought the 'ring' a few years, it has lessened the snoring but not alltogether, some nights can be bad.
My daughter is doing Dental Technology and told us about a device like a rugby gum shield, which you can have done at some dental clinics. I know her one does it anyway, about €400. It moves the bottom teeth forward about 2mm and thus stops the muscle that relaxes to cause snoring to not relax, (I think that is the tech. jargon).
We will probably get a discount, but still need a few hundred euro's lying around to get it. Anyone heard of this, or something like it. Her clinic is in Cork.
It depends on what is causing the snoring.

I had dreadful snoring a few years back - caused by polyps in the nose.

I still snore, but not as bad as before - mainly due to being a few kgs over ideal weight - OK about 15kgs!

Following are everyday solutions -

Breathe Right nasal strips - temporary but expensive. Ideal for when in a friends house.

Flixonase Spray - over the counter from all pharmacists, clears nose for up to 24 hours, quite good at reducing snoring.

And finally... Ear plugs. Cheap Cheerful and very effective. - [broken link removed] - get their large sample pack and see which ones are best for you. Average price is about $25 for a box of 200 pairs of ear plugs (E-A-R Classic SuperFit PVC Foam Plugs (NRR 33)
and they can be used for a few nights each. - Postage is about $30 also.

You can still hear alarms & baby crying with these.
I AM confused. I saw the ring product in boots (£29.99) and a load of products on the Internet. I've piled through the forums. the Idea that seems most logical is from this site


THIS IS THE SUMMARY OF WHAT THEY SAY (THIS IS WHAT THEY CLAIM, I havn't tried their idea yet, so i can't say whether their claims are true)

There are only three stop snoring treatments that work for most snorers - do not be misled by anyone who tells you anything to the contrary:

1. Mandibular (jaw) advancement devices l
2. CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure mask and air pump, which can only be prescribed by a doctor) and
3. Surgery, which can be painful and has a lower success rate than mandibular advancement - although it is still more likely to work than treatments listed in the treatments that don’t work section.

Snoring treatments that don’t work

We speak to large numbers of snorers. They tell us that the following treatments do not work:

* stop snoring tablets,
* aromatherapy,
* hypnosis,
* willpower training,
* wrist devices, rings,
* devices that counteract the snoring noise, and
* devices that flash a bright light when you snore.
* Sports gumshields or mouthguards - these look like mandibular advancement splints, but they will not stop you snoring as they do not provide sufficient support behind the front teeth (particularly the lower teeth) to hold the jaw forward. Furthermore, as the bulk of a sports gumshield is at the front of the mouthpiece (to absorb and spread an impact), they can feel very bulky and uncomfortable when worn for more than a couple of hours or overnight. Mandibular advancement splints and sports gum shields are not the same things.
* Tongue retention devices have been reported as being too uncomfortable.

In our opinion, the following stop snoring options do not work or are best used in conjunction with one of the three treatment options that do work:

* sprays - people tell us that stop snoring sprays either do not work, or they only work for a short period before the effects wear off (saliva washes away the spray) and they are expensive if you need to keep buying more spray.
* Nasal strips make it easier to breathe through your nose, they don’t stop you snoring. Don’t be misled by claims to the contrary.
* Anything that forces you to breathe through your nose is useless when you have a cold, or allergies that give you a blocked nose. They will make you feel like you are being strangled.
* Posture can play an important role in snoring, but is not a solution in itself.


IM GOING TO PURCHASE THEIRE SNORE 1 PRODUCT. THIS IS MY REASONING. MY SNORING SEEMS TO BE IN THE MOUTH/THROAT. IF I TRY TO CONCIOUSLY REPLICATE MY SNORE THEN STICK MY BOTTOM JAW FORWARD THEN THE SNORING GOES AWAY. So their "right" seems to be my "right" as well....Im going to give it ago....Hopefully my email will automatically inform me of further postings to this thread (as i don't have time to keep checking)

maybe somebody else will trial it as well!!!
This thread seems to predate but fall foul of the "no medical discussions" posting guideline so I am closing it retrospectively.
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