Anyone, and I mean anyone, who cast a vote in the election based on whether a candidates position on Irish water then they are a myopic fool. In the scheme of things that impact on this country and will effect our future Irish Water is utterly irrelevant. If people voted due to the broader message of the AAA/PBP then that's fair enough; they don't understand economics and are delusional but they are not necessarily stupid. Calling Irish Water a fundamental issue is like calling a disagreement over what colour Taxis should be a fundamental issue.
The incompetence with which the coalition handled Irish Water is a fundamental issue for me.
How many threads have there been on this website because people couldn't get a straight answer on landlord responsibilities, or what the charges would be, or the stroke that is the water conservation grant, and to top it all off, at the end of the day, they didn't even pass the EU market capitalization test. First we were told it was absolutely essential that Irish Water had our PPS numbers and you were a paranoid crank for saying anything to the contrary. Tens of thousands of people protest all across the country (and not just AAA/PBP voters) and we have an about turn... Of course Irish Water don't need our PPS numbers, but stop asking awkward questions children, we know what's best.
The coalition's attitude to the public was best exemplified by the gigantic two fingers represented by getting Phil Hogan to set the thing up in as arrogant a manner as he possibly could, then swan off on the EU gravy train so constituents couldn't even express their displeasure about it at the ballot box.
The coalition never tried to win public support for the charges, and with every decision they had to make on it, they alienated even more voters.
All of those were self-inflicted own goals by the coalition and was the main reason why I didn't vote for FG after voting for them last time out.
Is anyone who votes AAA\PBP gonna vote FG? Unlikely. But FG lost 1/3 of the people who did vote for them in 2011. I was one of them. Irish Water played a part in that.
I have no reason to believe that FG back in office will not demonstrate the same level of arrogant incompetence.
Irish Water was a litmus test. They failed it.
Consequently, the public contempt for Irish Water is so great, it has taken on a life of its own out of all proportion to the sums involved. For a large number of voters, business as usual when it comes to Irish Water is not acceptable - the FG position. Irish Water can't continue as it is, spending €60 million a year to get net €40 million in revenue. FF want to press the reset button. Otherwise I see no chance of public acceptance of the current Irish Water regime.