Another abortion referendum?

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That's quite possible and there's no way of legislating for it.

I find the whole topic difficult to square and I would certainly not judge anyone who has had an abortion; it is a massive decision and can have a life-long impact on people.
Yes of course, I just can't imagine being so stringent in my views that I wouldn't be able to see the greater good.
So if someone you know, sister, daughter, mother was raped you would object to them using the morning-after pill?

My mind boggles.

It's not something I've made a decision to feel. It's just an instinctive recoiling against what I see as taking a life. I'm really sorry if it offends people and I can understand that it must come across as unfeeling and harsh but to me a life is a life and I can't condone doing anything to end it. To me the guilty party in a rape is the rapist and even they don't get put to death.

Interesting logic there, anti morning-after pill yet pro-death penalty.
Interesting logic there, anti morning-after pill yet pro-death penalty.

I'm not pro-death penalty. I meant it as 'even' the rapist doesn't get put to death.

ETA Just read my post. I actually stated it as above so I have no idea how you concluded I'm for the death penalty.
Apologies I mis-read your post as implying support for the death penalty, it's a common position taken by pro-lifers in the US which has always confused me.
Although the Morning After Pill can act as an abortifacient, it is licensed in Ireland on the basis that it can act to prevent fertilization.

Every necessary medical treatment/procedure is afforded to pregnant women in Ireland, and sometimes this leads to the loss of the unborn. Such treatments/procedures are not abortion. Irish hospitals do not carry out abortions (on the basis that they are neither legal nor ethical).

I do not believe that the right to life of the unborn should be predicated on how conception transpired or the likely life-expectancy of the child.
And of the three of you, how many of you have had to decide between an abortion or inflicting pain and suffering on a baby while watching it die a slow and painful death? How many of you were raped and forced to carry that child? How many of you were given a choice between risking your life by going through with a pregnancy or terminating it?

I presume all of you since you are comfortable passing judgement on other peoples choices.
By the way and taking it away from abortion, how do people feel about inflicting painful procedures on terminally ill children that stand no hope of success apart from prolonging what could be a miserable existence?
It would, IMO, be impossible to legislate for abortion on the grounds of rape, just like it would be impossible to legislate for the permission of the father as detailed above.
By the way and taking it away from abortion, how do people feel about inflicting painful procedures on terminally ill children that stand no hope of success apart from prolonging what could be a miserable existence?

When you say terminally ill, do you mean that the child is certain to die immediately or soon after birth? If so then I would be in favour of ending the child's life.

I passed judgement on nobody. I just indicated that I agreed with another poster's opinion.

I've never shot anyone or anything nor have I been shot by anyone else. Does that disqualify me from having an opinion on gun control?
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