Announcement of electricity prices to rise

yes its a very good analysis of the benefits of both technologies. Electric wins with regards to cost of producing it but loses with regard to weight and energy density . Therefore to have a comprehensive replacement for petroleum you need both. In a nutshell it explains why technology has not been able to replace petroleum , and electric cars have not achieved this because of the limitations of electric batteries as very well explained above.
I also do not believe the cost of electricity energy units vis a vis hydrogen is correct, because electricity is still cheap because it is by and large still produced from fossil fuels. The cost of the massive infrastructure needed to upgrade the electricity network to cope with big increases in electric cars is also not included in the unit electricity cost. If you look at your ESB bill much of the cost is public service levy and connection fee ,this will increase dramatically to pay for infrastructure in the future.
I wrote this in another thread about Tesla battery technology in January 2020 but exactly what happened in relation to pso levy and standing charges, Also in relation to electric cars the big car makers are scaling back their plans in relation to full EVs and now hybrids seem to be where its at,