Announcement of electricity prices to rise


New Member
Does anyone wonder if this is simply another tax by stealth?. The various providers have done very well in the last few years using various ploys to up the cost to the consumer. Wars, Covid, Rumours and more. They get those costs imposed in short time. Once the issues of cost increases from their suppliers either reduce or in many cases never happen, they are quite tardy when it comes down to reducing their unnecessarily imposed increases. Now we are seeing another excuse for an increase. Surely it’s time to call them out and ask that they use their own funds to continue to maintain and develop and improve the grid. It should not be the case that it’s “rip off the consumer at every opportunity.
Flogas offer a competitive fixed rate 'team ireland plans', so your rate is guaranteed for 12 months.
Gas only, electricity only or dual.

I would recommend people take a look if they are worried about being able to afford possible price rises.
While you will get big % discounts from other suppliers, that is against a unit rate which may increase.
The standing charge on these plans may be a little higher than other suppliers.

These are the pieces of the equation you need to consider:
Actual unit rate - post % discounts
Service charge
Your usage
Any 'hello' signup cashback offer

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"The regulator said legislation meant it was not able to force energy providers, which have made record profits from electricity generation lately, to cover the cost of the higher network charge."

So it's time for Eamon Ryan to wake up, pull up his cycling shorts and start drafting an amendment to the legislation.

Anyone reckon that he will?
"The regulator said legislation meant it was not able to force energy providers, which have made record profits from electricity generation lately, to cover the cost of the higher network charge."

its all got to do with renewables and the feed in tarriffs and guaranteed minimum pricing. Due to the way the government has set it up renewables are highly profitable, that explains why bord na mona is making more money than ever before with all those wind farms. We have all this wind energy but still have the most expensive energy in Europe, go figure. Remember that other countries have had to pay for all this expensive lng gas to replace russian gas, we didn't .
The solar farm companies are offering farmers 1000 euros an acre to lease farmland for solar farms, that's multiples of its agricultural value. Where is that money coming from, you and me in expensive electric bills , that's where. Also explains why you are suddenly seeing huge tracts of ugly black fields as you fly into Dublin airport covered in solar panels. Imagine the cost and waste in removing all these and all the wires etc buried in those fields. It's height of stupidity
At an individual, level, it would help to offset the impact of the levies plus any general price rise in electricity.
And only then if their offerings are competitive for the specific customer's usage profile and tariff type (e.g. 24 hour flat rate, nightsaver day/night, time of day smart plan etc.).
So it's time for Eamon Ryan to wake up, pull up his cycling shorts and start drafting an amendment to the legislation.

Anyone reckon that he will?
Not a hope in hell.....

The best that anyone can do, is the same as they should have been doing every other year - changing to the best deal available.

I've also become a fan of solar power, and would recommend that everyone consider it. Quotes and initial inspections to assess potential power generation cost nothing ;-)
Solar Power is king as long as one installs storage batteries of course. That is not the issue here which is to to with the regulator bowing to the whim of the major power generator and the grid operator, the operators have tons of money on hands but want another money grab rather than spend from their previous rip off activities
Solar Power is king as long as one installs storage batteries of course. That is not the issue here which is to to with the regulator bowing to the whim of the major power generator and the grid operator, the operators have tons of money on hands but want another money grab rather than spend from their previous rip off activities

Of course they do! That's how private enterprise works. And the role of the Regulator is to do what he can to prevent them from bleeding the consumer dry.

The Regulator has stated that he is unable, under the present legislation, to force the suppliers to pay the higher network charges, which is why it is utterly imperative for Michael O'Leary's least liked politician to wake up and amend the legislation, before he retires from politics.
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Just noting in the news today that Electric Ireland have announced they will be absorbing this increase:

Tthe company said it had decided to absorb the planned increases in regulated network charges announced by the regulator last week.
Those network tariffs are levied on suppliers, who have the discretion as to whether to pass them on to customers or not and Electric Ireland has decided not to. This will be equivalent to an average saving of €101 on an annual residential electricity bill from October 1st.

EI's cynical 2% incentive to get consumers to switch to so-called Smart Plans certainly isn't going to convince me! I'll be sticking with my long-standing day/night plan until they can cobble together a "Smart" deal that's worthy of the name.

That said, fair dues to them for being the first company to absorb the increased network charges.
Surely it’s time to call them out and ask that they use their own funds to continue to maintain and develop and improve the grid.
Perhaps if more people shopped around they would be forced to compete more? >60% shop around less than once in 5 years!
Perhaps if more people shopped around they would be forced to compete more? >60% shop around less than once in 5 years!
Same story with many things - car insurance, banking, broadband, health insurance etc.

While the likes of Bonkers helps, comparing the market can take a lot of time, and drag people into areas that yet aren't familiar with, which probably explains why many people don't switch providers
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While the likes of Bonkers helps, comparing the market can take a lot of time, and drag people into areas that yet aren't familiar with, which probably explains why many people don't switch providers
Yeah, people tend to put off things they aren't fully comfortable with.
The Regulator has stated that he is unable, under the present legislation, to force the suppliers to pay the higher network charges, which is why it is utterly imperative for Michael O'Leary's least liked politician to wake up and amend the legislation, before he retires from politics.
The legislation was put there to make it super easy for wind farm companies, solar farms etc to be installed, that's why they are queueing up to get on this gravy train. They don't pay for any of the extra expensive infrastructure needed , it's put straight onto the grid costs which we pay for with pso levys and standing charges which is why these have ballooned since 2020. That's why we have most expensive electricity in Europe and why the government was luke warm on windfall taxes earlier they would hit the wind farm companies the most