Angry delegate tells minister she's left with just €94 per week

Many teachers do nixers giving grinds. I would love a such mini industries to be registered.

What % of grinds business is operating in the black economy?

We have a good public sector in this country (on balance). They are just overpaid. One idiot that feels agrieved that she has to live in the same world as the rest of us where adults are responsible for their own stupid decisions cannot be taken to represent every state employee.
Take the hit and switch to a variable rate mortgage...add the charges for switching to the mortgage if needs be. Should be 300pm there straight away

Shouldn't she stick with her fixed rate for a bit longer. Won't we have high inflation coupled by high interest rates coming down the road shortly?

I agree with you completely BUT as stated earlier in the thread, this individual is a delegate, hence representative of the group. It's a fact that there are people in all professions who love their jobs and even though they may dislike the government / company / socially imposed measures, will still continue to do their job with professionalism and enthusiasm rather than threaten the rest of us with strikes or poor quality of their services.
I have very little sympathy with this teacher, I have to say. She works for approx half the year for the salary she gets; how about getting off her This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language and taking on a bit of summer work if she needs some extra money.

Or would she prefer if the taxpayers paid her a lot more, and maybe took her mortgage off her hands as well? Get in the real world, teacher!
I just wish she had at least stuck to facts if she choose the wrong place for her personal complaint. Surely it's not possible that any bank/building society gave someone on a salary of 40,000 a mortgage of 300,000. I can only assume that this mortgage is shared with husband, partner, friend etc.

Next time she should stick to the real situation, it might be credible

I'd also say that Fire fighters do an excellent job. Especially with the reports you read about them getting attacked around hallowen.......and a well publicized case at a halting site in Finglas area.

They deserve to be well paid but many areas have minimal full-time cover and retained fire fighters aren't exactly on great pay. Not a job you'd do for the money.
I just wish she had at least stuck to facts if she choose the wrong place for her personal complaint. Surely it's not possible that any bank/building society gave someone on a salary of 40,000 a mortgage of 300,000.
yea the bloody banks with their "gun to the head" policy forcing 26 year old "educators" to take huge mortgages. There's no justice in this world.

It was possible for someone in a guaranteed job to borrow that amount. Obviously someone should know better but the system is not completely without blame either.

There was a lack of thought and implementation in the application of stress tests on the part of the banks and the regulator.

The person who took out the large mortgage did it of their own free will and is now suffering the consequences.

Banks lent too much money and their shareholders have suffered the consequences.

The taxpayer supported the lax regulatory regime through the democratic process and we are now suffering the consequences.

No one is completely without blame so finger pointing on the part of anyone who has been part of this whole mess (basically everyone!) is a bit hypocritical
I think there are alot of deluded professions out there all feeding from the taxpayes trough. 4 months paid holiday for secondary school teachers. Job for life.
Short working day.

A bit of perspective please.

I'm sorry but I disagree with you DerKaiser, this woman is an adult and she knew what she was doing when she took out that mortgage. If she didn't, tough. No one forced her to take out the mortgage in the first place.

You've also mentioned lax regulation. We've enough regulation in place and we don't need anymore. By regulating, we introduce more complexity and expand the governments interference in the market place. No thank you very much.

The problem as I see it, is sheeple don't want to be responsible for themselves anymore. They think other folk can sort out all their problems and guarantee them a comfortable life. These people need to get with it.

The good times are over, even though those good times were all an illusion.

I'm not absolving the people who get into mortgage trouble because they've borrowed too much of any of the blame for the situation they find themselves in. On this we definitely agree.

But the next stage of the problem is where they default and the bank shareholders take the hit. In this situtaion it is the bank management who have been imprudent with their shareholders money. The shareholders employed the management to look after their interests so they can't blame anyone else.

The final stage of the problem is when people default en masse and the taxpayer takes the hit. In this case the blame for the loss incurred by the taxpayer must be laid squarely at the door of the regulator for not protecting the taxpayers interests. The majority of taxpayers were quite happy with the levels of non enforcement of regulations so the toxic debts we will ultimately bear should be no surprise.

Everyone is in some way reponsible for the burden they are bearing at the moment. It is unfair, naive and misguided for any of us to point fingers and say we had no involvement in what has come to pass
Kevin Myres in todays Irish Independent makes some excellent points on the subject of teachers. One of which is that German schools produce students with a higher level of english than Irish schools.
German schools produce students with a higher level of english than Irish schools.

I'd say context is all in this case - a bit of semantic manipulation maybe too. I would find this hard to believe in a general sense but entirely possible that there are instances where German school leavers have a higher level of English - which would still make the above a true statement.
The Independent article states that there is a higher level of literacy in English rather than English itself - a view to which I would be inclined to give some credence.
The fact that they have 40% more pay than the UK with much longer holidays is damning.
The fact that teachers opted for pay increases rather than smaller classes over the last few years exposes the lie that they have the interests of students as their top priority.
[that German schools produce students with a higher level of english than Irish schools.

The level of teaching in schools leaves much to be desired.

The standard of teaching Irish is a disgrace.

The Dail is made up with many teachers and the teachers lobby is strong so change is really not on the agenda.

What political party favours extending the school year or cutting teachers pay?

Even favouring tax investigating teachers grinds business?
Why would teachers leave the teaching profession for the Dail? The holidays are longer and the wages doubled. And they have a more mature audience but less mature peers. If that's possible

Hi Derkaiser, quick question, in the UK if the shareholders vote on an issue the board of management can override it. According to Max keiser anyway. Does that hold true here?
Hi Derkaiser, quick question, in the UK if the shareholders vote on an issue the board of management can override it. According to Max keiser anyway. Does that hold true here?

I've no idea, that would be like the government overriding a referendum vote wouldn't it?