Angry delegate tells minister she's left with just €94 per week


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Another case of an indignant person blaming everybody but themselves.

Does society really believe that a single person who buys 3 bedroom house at the age 24, purchasing at the height of the market and fixing their interest rate at practically the highest point its been since the creation of the Euro should be left with a large disposable income?

I find it amazing how such a peson can feel sorry enough for themselves to publically lambast anyone but themselves. Are they really living on the same planet? Where is their sense of perspective?

And she is the one left to educate the nations childern......i hope she doesn't teach economics
I've just been listening to this lady on the radio - the presenter (who is standing in for Pat Kenny) said that the majority of texts coming in were not sympathetic to her plight. At the end of the day it was her decision to take out a mortgage and now that the situation has turned pear shaped it is nobodys fault except her own.
How many people like this are there out there - and why do they all seem to work as teachers?

So without the tenant she'd have no money each month after her mortgage and other fixed cost payments are made.

Whilst her take home pay may have decreased by (picks number out of thin air) 10% or so how can someone be in that situation? How could she have got such a large mortgage? How could she have thought it was a good idea to have so much of her (very good for her age) income going on mortgage payments.

Yet another non Maths/Economics teacher I see. Are there any?
Take the hit and switch to a variable rate mortgage...add the charges for switching to the mortgage if needs be. Should be 300pm there straight away
Another case of an indignant person blaming everybody but themselves.
Yep, and listening to the utter rubbish spouted from the teaching union heads over the last few days she seems to typify the teaching sector.
When you hear things like this you tend to get quite fascist and think that there is merit in having an exam to gain the right to vote, but when you then realise that someone like this is paid to "educate" children...
Yep, and listening to the utter rubbish spouted from the teaching union heads over the last few days she seems to typify the teaching sector.

They do talk some rubbish don't they. I don't want to bash teachers because it is a difficult job and some of them deserve every cent they earn but having listened to various union leaders in the past couple of days, its amazing how they come on air talking about protecting the rights of children to a decent education but imply that the only way to achieve this is by paying the teachers more!
God, our schools are full of whingey teachers, our hospitals are full of overpaid nurses, our government departments are full of lazy civil servants.... Is there any group of public servants out there that are doing a reasonable job and that meet the exacting standards of you lot??

Prison officers wearing steel toe capped boots

Fire fighters.

I'm sure this individual does not represent the views of all teachers but there's no point in the useful public servants allowing themselves to be used as some kind of human shield.

If you're a public servant and you'd agree that this persons complaints are unjustified then say so. I'm not attacking the 200,000 people who are loosely linked to her by nothing more than simply working for the public service.

You'll find that it is the whingey, overpaid, lazy ones who are first to take offence and would love to hide behind the large numbers in the public service.

The first reaction at anyone reasonable and doing a good job in the public service should be to disown rather than harbour this kind of behaviour.
I was really referring to Purple's post and to the general stuff that's been on the board lately. I have also been very upfront in admitting that the Public Service isn't perfect while pointing out that we're not all one homogenous group who all behave exactly the same.
The individual involed is a delegate, a person whose job it is to represent the views of other teachers who she works with. Yet her issue was a completely personal one of her own making.

Admittedly a large number of other (non Maths/Economics) teachers seem to have the same issue anecdotedly.
its amazing how they come on air talking about protecting the rights of children to a decent education but imply that the only way to achieve this is by paying the teachers more!

This is the bit that bugs me! I always hear it as a threat that if the teachers / nurses / whoever don't get paid more, they'd dig in their heels and start distributing drugs to the children / give you wrong medication / whatever. What happened to work ethics and codes of practice?

I am failing to feel sorry for anyone who'd come out and say that they willingly bought a grotty overpriced house when the market was at its peak, borrowed €50k for a flash car, went to Barbados on holiday and raked up a €15k credit card bill at Brown Thomas and now has no money left. Ahem, should have thought about that before, shouldn't you? Oh, and a good few of those insist that it's all government's fault. You may love them or hate them but the government has nothing to do with such unwise choices.