Anagram - The smoking ban in Ireland



From alt.anagram the contributers name is Mick

The smoking ban in Ireland =

Irishman knelt in bondage...
Banned Irish kin go mental!
Irish inn mob take England!

Irishmen gonna TALK in bed???
Kinsmen lighten. NO bad air!
Inhaling debt: sinner amok!
Amen ash! Binge lit on drink.

Drinks be: AMEN to inhaling!
> I'm English! Drink tea on ban?
Nation blames drinking, eh?
Dining mate? Bonk inhalers!

No dinner-table ash. I'm KING!
Inhalation men beg drinks!
Mankind on isle breathing?
Rumour has it there still are a few places in Dublin where you can have a fag with your pint! One is the George, another is Hogans, Inn on the Liffey etc etc
Re: Fag

Or defy the ban, receive a fine, don't pay, go to jail... smoke to hearts desire! (excuse the pun)