An Post Price Rises

Got a letter from an elderly relative in the North last month, £2.80 was the price of the stamp.

I think standard letter post from the UK to Ireland is either £2.80 (standard) or £2.60 (snail mail - up to 2 weeks). Standard letter post from Ireland to the UK is €2.65. But An Post treat post to NI as domestic (€1.65) and this is not reciprocated by NI.
That being the case is there an opportunity here for an entrepreneurial type? If they live near the border and have an An Post branch in a town/village close by, can they bulk up their post and save as much as £1.36 (at current conversion rates) per letter/card/bill posted? It'd raise the volumes being handled by An Post and maybe help keep our mail costs down?
Only for letters to the "Free State".

You'll need a moniker. "Border Fox" is sort of copyrighted. How about "The Border Badger"? Or "The Postie Porcupine"?
save as much as £1.36 (at current conversion rates) per letter/card/bill posted? It'd raise the volumes being handled by An Post and maybe help keep our mail costs down?
Problem is that very few businesses send volume.

I get so few letters that I've added a US style flag onto the post box for the postie to raise if there's a letter. - in a way it's a bit of fun, but practical too :D
Your original post on the subject said £2.80/£2.60, not £1.65. €1.65 is what An Post charges for Ireland or NI-addressed letters. Taking letters addressed to NI or Ireland saves money on postage for people or businesses who would otherwise pay NI Royal Mail rates. N'est ce pas or did you quote the wrong rates originally?
Not necessarily. Discount "pound" stores often do 3 cards for €2 or similar offers whereby the unit cost is, sometimes significantly, under €1
I agree. I wait until The Card Factory shops have one of their offers and stock up with all the birthday cards that I will need for the year. The also do a similar offer on Best of Luck, Congratulations.......and similar cards.