Health Insurance Alternative on renewing Simplicity policies with Laya


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I have renewed with Laya the past few years with the Simplicity policy. 2 adults 62 yrs old. No pre existing conditions . I read that it’s a bad idea to stay on the same policy but whenever I’ve checked the past two years, Simplicity seems to fit what we’re looking for and couldn’t see a more suitable one for us. We’re getting older and I really want to make sure we’re getting best bang for buck. Renewal 4K for two. Not worried too much about having excess or day-to-day cover but want good Ortho and private hospital cover. Could anyone help please with alternative/ better cover. Thanks
I note Laya Flex 500 Explore policy is increasing by 33 percent from 1 October, 2024. Has anybody suggestion on similar policy that has not increased to such an extent.
Have just listened back to rte questions and answers with Dermot Goode on Claire Byrne live yesterday. (Not sure how to link it to this but perhaps Sue Ellen could).
I too have Simplicity for years. Dermot says its a really good policy with private room and full cover for hips knees, cataracts etc.
However if you are happy with a semi private room and pretty much the same full cover you could look at Simply Connect which is a little cheaper.

One question I have though is semi private in private hospitals 2 to a room or more. Anybody know ?
One question I have though is semi private in private hospitals 2 to a room or more. Anybody know ?

Think it depends on the hospital, in the Beacon I was in one with 3 to the room, but I think there were other wards that were classed as semi-private and had more, but I could be wrong on that.

The podcast that you mentioned above from Claire Byrne's show yesterday should be here

I'll also add it to the existing list of previous podcasts from him which is here.
Vincents Private SP rooms are all 2 bed rooms, I stayed in a 4 bed SP room in the Bons in Glasnevin (not sure if that is the case for all their SP rooms though.
The private room my Dad had in Blackrock Clinic was really small, think the SP rooms seem more spacious (like more than twice the size of the private rooms.
Yes Dermot was advising to look at semi private options as the prices have increased so much. Also consider a higher excess.

I'm fine with semi private, it's the treatment thats most important to me.But I've never had an overnight hospital stay.
But I've never had an overnight hospital stay.

You're lucky, as the saying goes if you want to know me, come and live with me, there are many strange characters out there, especially the people who snore allllllllllllllllllll night
I would be ok with semi private and 2 to a room but would not be too happy with more than that.
You're lucky, as the saying goes if you want to know me, come and live with me, there are many strange characters out there, especially the people who snore allllllllllllllllllll night
I remember a night in hospital accompanying my Dad who was very ill. The nurse and HCA were doing drugs. There was great drama as it seemed 2 patients swapped beds at some stage. It was spotted as the patients weren't so ill so knew their names. The nurse earned her money that night.
Some of those price increases from 1st Oct are eye watering, Simplicity increasing from €1844. to €2201 :-(

The €1844 was last year's price, there has been an another increase since then. Big jump regardless
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