Alcohol Minimum Pricing

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I take a similar approach being able to separate what suits me selfishly and what's for the greater good but the vast majority of people do not.

The politicians who get elected being a case in point - the national poll-topper also being the most corrupt but gets elected on what they can do for "me".
And in this case, at least some are acting out of what they can do for publicans... the LVA et al visited the Dail 20+ times to lobby for MUP.
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Will you not pay customs filling the boot from the North?
If they cannot buy it they will brew it
It's to do with closing times, everyone tanks up before the pub closes
Will you not pay customs filling the boot from the North?
You have a generous allowance, it is treated as EU at present, although you'd probably exceed it if you tried to fill the boot with spirits.

If your purchases are within the limits set out below, they will usually be regarded as being for your personal use. If you exceed these quantities, you may have to demonstrate that the goods are for your personal use.

Spirits (for example whiskey, vodka and gin)
10 litres
Intermediate products that contain 22% alcohol or less (for example sherry or port)
20 litres
Wine (of which only 60 litres can be sparkling )
90 litres
Beer110 litres
Just spitballing, but perhaps it is more price elastic than tobacco?
On average, yes.

But people forget that willingness to pay varies hugely by individual. Those who crave alcohol the most are most likely to pay for it and prioritise it over other expenditure.

Price-based measures only take you so far and in the case of MUP can be really badly targeted.
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