I take a similar approach being able to separate what suits me selfishly and what's for the greater good but the vast majority of people do not.Really? I don't smoke, I would prefer to live in a universe in which it was never discovered ... it doesn't mean I necessarily agree with all restrictions on smoking OR consider that all anti-smoking measures will pan out in practice...
So an interesting thought experiment is: would MUP have made sense for tobacco? Only a small proportion of the extra price (VAT) going to the government, the rest going to retailers and producers of tobacco products. Purchasers of expensive cigars unaffected, consumers of shag or roll your own (?) tobacco most affected. People who consumed 'on sale' tobacco in 'coffee shops' unaffected.
So why does it make sense for alcohol...
The politicians who get elected being a case in point - the national poll-topper also being the most corrupt but gets elected on what they can do for "me".