From the point of view of a recent FTB I have to say that I am more than happy with my decision to buy this year. OK only a fool would disagree that prices are falling but I wasn't buying as an investment, I was sick of renting and wanted a place of my own, I wanted to put my own stamp on my own place and to do up my own garden, there is a lot to be said for that. I intend owning my own house so I can ensure a roof over my 5 month olds head, I have been in a position before where the landlord has given us notice or put up rent unexpectantly. Yes I probably have negative equity now but I feel in 30 years time things will have improved and got worse again maybe a couple of times, it's cyclical right errrm ..........Dude
Re Aiken's Village I have Friends that live there and they love it, but they bought when they were first built so I guess they were Canny McSavvy.
It is great that you are happy with your decision but that doesn't mean it was the best decision.
Even though you are happy with the purchase was the few extra months you have spent in the house worth the 10%-15% extra you paid for it?
Even though you have no intention of selling in the near future would you not rather have this €25k-€50k to spend on yourself rather than giving it to the developer and or bank over the next 20 years?