Got a response this morning from Minister Donohoe, copy/paste
The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr Paschal Donohoe TD, has asked me to refer to your email of 20 May 2020, in relation to your dealings with AIB.
The engagement the Minister and his officials have had with AIB has indicated that the tracker mortgage issue has been treated with the utmost seriousness by the board of AIB. For the last number of years the matter has been a standing agenda item for the monthly board meeting of the bank. At each meeting time has been set aside to discuss this matter and for the non executive directors to appropriately challenge the executive team of the bank in relation to their handling of this matter.
The bank’s approach to the tracker mortgage examination has at all times adhered to the requirements set out by the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI). In considering this matter the board has also had the benefit of input from a range of experts and have considered this matter through a broad range of stakeholder lenses.
The board's original decision for this cohort of customers, which was reached with the full agreement and support of the Central Bank, provided for compensation of €1,000 plus €615 towards independent advice. Furthermore, like all customers who were included in the Tracker Mortgage Examination, this cohort had the right to appeal the compensation to the Independent Appeals Panel or to the Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO).
One customer did avail of this process and appealed to the FSPO. As you are aware, in March of this year, the FSPO issued a final decision in relation to this customer who appealed, awarding a 12% write down in the capital balance of the mortgage as at the date of the roll off of the fixed rate, and the refund of the interest on the amount written-off.
This case involved a number of extremely complex issues. On considering the FSPO ruling in detail and reviewing the position of all stakeholders, the board of AIB decided to accept the finding in full. Furthermore, it decided to apply the finding to other customers within the same cohort. This was an extremely complex issue, and the appeals processes in place have evidently functioned exactly as they were designed to.
My officials contacted AIB and received the following advice:
"In early February we announced that we had made an additional provision, primarily in relation to an FSPO decision on an individual case relating to a tracker complaint which was then at a preliminary stage. This case is now concluded with the FSPO. While this case involved a number of complex issues the Bank has decided to accept the finding in full, and to apply the finding to other customers within the same cohort. Customers do not need to take any action and will receive a letter and their payments in July and August.
Our priority is to put things right for our customers who have been affected. If customers have any queries, they can call our dedicated Helpline on 1800 235 460 (or +353 1 7715888) between 8am and 7pm, Monday to Friday."
I would encourage you to contact the dedicated helpline at the number above to request an update on your specific situation.
I trust this of assistance to you.
Yours sincerely