From the "Guide to Fees and Charges for Personal Accounts", Page 6 (Page 8 of the PDF). Account transaction fees may also apply:
"Same Day Value Payments
• Inter-Branch transfer (a payment
from an AIB account to another
AIB account) €12.70 per item
• Inter-Bank transfer (a payment from
an AIB account to a non-AIB account
within the Republic of Ireland) €25.39 per item"
So does this mean that when I transfer money from my AIB Current account to my Rabo Direct Savings account, I get charged €25.39 each time?? Plus a €0.20 transaction charge? And another €0.20 when I transfer money back??
And if I transfer money to a friend who's loaned me cash on a night out I'll be charged either €12.70 or €25.39 plus €0.20???
I do a lot of this kind of transferring, but do it all exclusively online, never in branch or over the phone.
This fees are for guaranteed same day transfers.
You get charges 20 cent per electronic transfer and 30 cent per manual transfer plus 4.50 EUR per year.
I don't like the idea of setting bills up for direct debit - I prefer paying bills when I choose (and when I know the funds are there!!) but it doesn't look like it's any cheaper to DD than go and pay online manually. Is the only way of reducing this by Paying all bills by Credit Card and then paying the Credit Card bill in on €0.20 transaction? Or are CC transactions going to be charged at €0.20 a go now too?
Paying your credit card bill will cost 20 cent, if done electronically.