AIB and its chances of survival?

I don't know (always a useful opening disclaimer on AAM ;))

Could it be to do with AIB keeping it's listing, being technically still a public company ?

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The third bailout under the EU-IMF rescue will push the State ownership of the bank to 99.9 per cent where AIB will be left with a small listing on the stock market.
We are supposed to need AIB and BOI, a mantra of all those who believe the banks should be bailed out.

Look hard and heavy and you can see that neither bank is needed. The two banks should have been allowed to go under forever.

During the real recessions (or normal times to those who lived through them) of the 60s and 70s the banks were on total strike for months on end (one total strike lasted 6 months). The country survived then and it can survive now.

Some of the foreign banks are hovering and can do the job here. Our banks should have been let drown.
Yes I remember those long bank strikes in the 60's and 70's. The country managed just fine - the post-ofices made a damn good job in their absence. When the strikes were settled there was a mention of the post-office becoming another bank but political pressure put an end to that idea.
The government should have let the banks fail. They didn't and hence we are now in the mess now. You can't be upsetting your friends in high places can you now Zanu FF.