AIB 3.02% 2 Year Deposit


Registered User
AIB's 2 year term deposit pays 3.02% AER fixed.

Term deposit rates have collapsed across Europe in recent months.

But AIB have not cut their term deposit rates nor culled products yet.

I could be totally wrong - and probably pointing out the obvious to most people - but it's very difficult to see this product lasting much longer.

If anyone is considering a term deposit, and wants to choose an Irish bank, now might be the time to consider this product. Perhaps.
Not the best 2 year rate on offer but I guess that some people might be more comfortable dealing with AIB than with Raisin/Haitong...
Apologies for a few Q's. I'm interested in opening this account and plan to visit a branch tomorrow. However, if not already an AIB customer, will I need to set up a current account with them and will this involve quarterly management fees? Not sure why Irish banks make it so difficult to lodge lump sums for a few years but I assume this will also reduce the rate again + DIRT tax. TIA.
AIB's 2 year term deposit pays 3.02% AER fixed.

Term deposit rates have collapsed across Europe in recent months.

But AIB have not cut their term deposit rates nor culled products yet.

I could be totally wrong - and probably pointing out the obvious to most people - but it's very difficult to see this product lasting much longer.

If anyone is considering a term deposit, and wants to choose an Irish bank, now might be the time to consider this product. Perhaps.
Good spot lightning. Given a lot of people have been caught for PRSI on top of DIRT on overseas deposits it's a convenient and efficient option to have.