Afghan Hunger strikers

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Apparently they've now tied ropes around their necks and run up to the roof and threated to hang themselves if they're touched.

What is it with muslims and suicide???
Perhaps you might consider editing your previous comment to erase comments many people might find trite, crass and insensitive.
Errr...suicide bombers, suicide by hunger strike, suicide by hanging?
I hear on the radio that one has slit his wrists.

I thought suicide was forbidden in Islam?

I'm just asking - it all seems hypocritical to me.
Meccano said:
Errr...suicide bombers, suicide by hunger strike, suicide by hanging?
I hear on the radio that one has slit his wrists.

I thought suicide was forbidden in Islam?

I'm just asking - it all seems hypocritical to me.
That's it Meccano, there's only a billion odd Muslems, what's the problem with tarring them all with the same brush. After all no one has a problem with sweeping comments about Irish peope, or Jewish or black peope.
Certainly, I agree with you 100%.

Its just that whenever there is a suicidal terrorist attack on innocent Westerners we are told by mainstream muslims that only fanatics would use such tactics because Islam forbids suicide.

This current situation might tend to contradict that point.
Or are these men all fanatics?
Meccano said:
Certainly, I agree with you 100%.
I was being sarcastic...

Mecanno said:
Its just that whenever there is a suicidal terrorist attack on innocent Westerners we are told by mainstream muslims that only fanatics would use such tactics because Islam forbids suicide.
Christianity forbids suicide as well. A certain Lord Mayor of Cork was willing to face his God after starving himself to death. Was he a fanatic or were his actions nothing to do with his religion?
Mecanno said:
This current situation might tend to contradict that point.
Or are these men all fanatics?
As above.
mary ellen sysnon on the matt cooper show said that at least one of them refused to state his reasons for applying for asylum. that un commissioner for human rights/asylum cases etc stated that the irish system was very fair. didnt like the way the greens tried to make politics out of it. Dont understand how they opposed the rule of law in this case. laws are passed by the legislature of which they are part.
are passed by the legislature of which they are part.
And of course every minority party obviously has a big say in what legislation is passed.
that un commissioner for human rights/asylum cases etc stated that the irish system was very fair.
I don't know much about the equitableness of our asylum seeking process, however, but I would worry about a system wherein the High court have to order the appeals body to publish their rationale in coming to their decisions (and said appeals body, appealing this high court order to the supreme court).
In addition, given we apparently granted asylum to only 40 applicants last year, I would imagine that we're hardly the most liberal of countries.
Good luck to them,hopefully we won't be seen as a soft touch anymore.
One of the protesters has admitted that he killed and raped for the Taliban. Should our asylum laws be used to shelter criminals? Should children who are willing to starve themselves to death in order to stay in this country be dismissed as fanatics?
The notion that this is a simple issue or that those involved should be treated as a homogenous group is incorrect and those taking a position on the so called hard line and liberal sides of the fence should remember that.
Purple said:
One of the protesters has admitted that he killed and raped for the Taliban. Should our asylum laws be used to shelter criminals?

Did he do this voluntarily? Or was he forced? Don't forget that in these situations people are often forced to join in with the ruling elite as their families are threatened with violence or death.
Gordanus said:
Did he do this voluntarily? Or was he forced? Don't forget that in these situations people are often forced to join in with the ruling elite as their families are threatened with violence or death.

Come off it! Being forced to kill or rape is no excuse. Someone with any strength of character or worth as a human being would refuse even if it meant their death.

In this case the matter was resolved as well as it could have been, so fair play to the Gardai and the minister for standing firm - and shame on the Greens and Sinn Fein for saying the minister should negotiate. This course of action was disasterous in Belgium as it would have been here.
shnaek said:
fair play to the Gardai and the minister for standing firm - and shame on the Greens and Sinn Fein for saying the minister should negotiate.
I agree that credit it due to the Gardai and the minister in particular for how this incident was handled. I expect nothing more from the Greens than playing to their constituent and ignoring the ramifications of their policies if implemented. SF is beneath comment. When they stop funding their party through crime and supporting vigilantes (also the publicly stated opinion of the Minister of Justice) I will listen to their opinions on other social issues.

shnaek said:
Come off it! Being forced to kill or rape is no excuse. Someone with any strength of character or worth as a human being would refuse even if it meant their death.
I agree but I think this should be discussed in the generality; should our asylum laws be used to protect those facing serious criminal (non political) charges in other countries. It's not a black and white issue and requires those in power to do more than take absolutist positions.
When they stop funding their party through crime and supporting vigilantes (also the publicly stated opinion of the Minister of Justice) I will listen to their opinions on other social issues.
If that is the case, why does the said minister for justice not bring these criminals to justice, or does he feel that crime such as that alluded to above is acceptable. It's just that since the minister knows this is the case, then I'm very surprised he allows it to continue. Now maybe if it were an issue of national security he might act?
RainyDay said:
And the Sunday Indo have never got anything wrong....
AFAIK they have got things wrong in the past. Can you expand on what you mean by your comment?
You'd have to ask him that.
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Christianity forbids suicide as well. A certain Lord Mayor of Cork was willing to face his God after starving himself to death. Was he a fanatic or were his actions nothing to do with his religion?
As above.
Well to be honest I don't think the issue is suicide per se. Its their tendancy to use of suicide to kill innocent people. It seems a very popular option - take Iraq, London and Madrid for example.

Dr.Moriarty, you may not be innocent, but my children are, and so were the people on the Madrid train and London underground. I don't think any of them was out to kill or harm a muslim or an Arab when they were blown to bits.
They didn't deserve to be murdered.
Thats what I mean by innocent.
Incidentally, I think you making of a joke of their innocence is rather sick.
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