Afghan Hunger strikers

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I'm a bit bemused to hear that the Afgan asylum seekers are prepared to starve themselves to death because they fear their life might be inn danger if they went back to Afganistan. Hello!!

I don't always agree with Mc Dowell but I think he's got it right this time.

I'm a bit bemused to hear that the Afgan asylum seekers are prepared to starve themselves to death because they fear their life might be inn danger if they went back to Afganistan. Hello!!
I think that's exactly what they're trying to highlight, that it's irrelevant if they die here, because, chances are if they are returned to their homeland they will die anyway.
In fairness this is exactly the same scenario that makes people leave countries such as Sierra Leone on flotsam rafts, well aware that there's a good chance they'll die, but the prospect of getting to Rome to sell roses or plastic elephants is good enough to make the journey worthwhile, given the alternative.
I appreciate that this is a difficult situation for the government (in so far as they're trying to show how tough they are on immigration), it'll be interesting to see how they handle it. I'm sure our beloved leader (of the republican party mind) won't want to see the obvious parallels with The Iron Lady if any of these people die.
I don't always agree with Mc Dowell but I think he's got it right this time.
I think the scariest thing about that sentence is the word 'always'.
Is it true that these guys were in the the Taliban or are still in the Taliban? If so should they not face justice in Afghanistan for human rights crimes they may have participated in?.
If they wanted to stage a sit-in, why didn't they use a mosque?
I presume they're muslims?
They probably used St Patrick's because of this ancient 'sanctuary' law.

Was interested to see during the week that the Afghani's who hijacked the Ryanair jet a couple of years ago to Stanstead have been given leave to stay in England as refugees!
What message does that sent out?
I would like to know how exactly they got here. must be some network. some at least have brilliant english. I suspect the opposite above. think they might be from wealthy families who might be targeted on arrival home. I do have some smypathy for them, however if going on hunger strike guaranteed you asylum the system would collapse. I would still like to know how many countries they passed through getting here, and if they applied for asylum in any of those countries.
cuchulainn said:
I would still like to know how many countries they passed through getting here, and if they applied for asylum in any of those countries.
Well - you know where they are for the moment if you want to ask them yourself.
cuchulainn said:
however if going on hunger strike guaranteed you asylum the system would collapse.
That's the crux of the matter. The minister should not be involved in the details.
should one of them die almost exactly 25 years after the Maze hunger strikes and Bobby Sands dieing then there is going to be a right messy situation developing....
Very messy situation, but the government can't deal with them without encouraging more to do the same. And not just assylum seekers - any group would feel they have a direct line to government by doing this. It is the same reason why governments don't (officially) deal with terrorists.
Is there not a euro rule that aslyum seekers are to be dealt with by the first euro country they entered?

Either they have failed seeking aslyum eslewhere or have heard that we are soft touches in Ireland
DonKing said:
Is there not a euro rule that aslyum seekers are to be dealt with by the first euro country they entered?

Either they have failed seeking aslyum eslewhere or have heard that we are soft touches in Ireland

Yes, it's called the and it doesn't appear to mean anything at all.

Some countries have the right approach, such as Kuwait, where you cannot get on a plane to the country unless you have the correct documentation.

On the other hand, had I been born into a poor African or Afghani family, I too would do anything to have a better life - so I don't blame them entirely for what they're trying to do.
Clubman: afaik, all asylum seekers are asked this question and the answer is nearly always the same. dont know where we are, dont know how we got here and dont know who brought us. also afaik there is no direct flights from Afghanistan to Ireland. If you are genuinely afraid of losing you life for political reasons, and can prove it, then logically the first democratic country you arrive in should be your first application. However in such a situation we would escape our moral duty so what I would prefer to see is that such a country, having decided on the bone fide of the claim ( or otherwise) would then state the number they could absorb and request other countries not taking their fair share to ease the burden. in such a scenario I think we in Ireland would morally be bound to accept our fair share.
Apparently their 'spokesman' has admitted to being a Taliban.
Do we want such people here? Fanatics?
Or in 20 years will his offspring be blowing us up on the LUAS?
worse. educated fanatics. not too many women among them. probably says it all.
If you are genuinely afraid of losing you life for political reasons, and can prove it
Why political reasons? why losing life? Are people not allowed to emigrate in search of better life anymore? I know that obviously the Irish would'nt know anything about that sort of thing though!!
Definetly sends out the wrong message if government gives in but we buggered off around the globe when our country wasn't in great shape so you can't blame them for trying.

Overall though the EU should be made to take a stand on countries turning a blind eye to refugees/asylum seekers passing through their countries on the way to ireland or elsewhere. They are quick enough to get involved in everything else when it suits.
Refugees/asylum seekers are not the same thing as economic migrants - this group is protesting about being refused refugee status (some of them at least).
They've now apparently been asked to leave by the Church Authorities, but are refusing. It'll be interesting to see where it will end.
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