Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Hi All,

I no there is a full estate of affordable nearly built in Swords. There is an estate called Broibhe in Swords and the builder didn't want to put affordable houses in there so he built a full estate of its own just affordable. It looks like it is more r less ready...


Do you know when these houses might be released to the affordable?? Are they 2 or 3 beds??
Jsst got a letter 2day from fingal offering viewings in

1) Preospect, Naul road???

2) New Haven Bay... (AGAIN!!!) must not be able to get rid of them

3)Chieftans lodge, Chieftans way


4) Castlemill...

ALL APARTMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats new!! Seems to be just the scrags left over from whats already been offered last year!!!!!!!! It's becoming a bit of ajoke at this stage!!!!!!!
I havent got a clue when they will b ready, I drove into the estate about 2 months ago and they looked pretty much ontop of things. Its on the Forest road at the back of the airport, if you google it something mite come up.

Tilly you say all listed are apt's, is it rare that house's are offered???

Well they seemed to go through a stage last year when there was a good few 3-bed houses, but i was just to far down the list... Then it became 2-bed houses, now it's been nothing but apartments for at least the last 8 months and every time you ring affordable they say that there wont be houses coming up for the forseable future!!!
the new estate in Balrothery has plenty of 3 bed houses. The estate looks like it is finished too. It's called Ringfort.
Does anyone know if the houses in Bayside have been offered yet?? I think they've been ready quite a while but they're not mentioned on the Fingal site. Also I walk by the units in Pobalscoil Nessan every day and it looks like they've been deserted by the builders, there's been no work done on them in ages and they look almost ready, anyone know whats going on with this??
Ye I saw it there a while ago, but the building site has been deserted since well before Christmas, some of the windows are boarded up and there's definitely noone living in any of them, I'm just curious really as I pass them every day. I never saw the Bayside apartments mentioned on the website, did anyone else? Just found out I'm no 293 on the list and the girl said that they want to sell a big proportion of Balbriggan before they release other areas (she wouldn't say where) but it looks to me as if Balbriggan isn't selling as I've had offers to view the same areas there more than once
How did you get this information? As far as I can see from this website, they're constantly getting calls and gaining any info is like getting blood out of a stone! Were you at a viewing or just give them a ring? (don't mean to pry, just curious!)
If I'd known the hassle this would all be I'd think twice about applying in the first place. The phrase 'living in limbo' seems appropriate.
Hi Kara, I rang them to ask about shared ownership and I just asked while I was on the phone. I went to a viewing back in October and the girl there wouldn't give me any info on my position on the list, she said it wouldn't be fair on other applicants ( I don't really see how though) maybe it's just getting to talk to the right person.
Hi all,

I have applied to both dublin city concil,which was over 8 months ago now and i havent heard anything back from them. I recently applied to fingal, but of what I am hearing on this, is it worth all the stress and hassle of waiting for them to get back to you.

Well, it's not so much stress and hassle- it's just waiting. A LOT of waiting. Some people ring them frequently to find out what's coming up, where they are on the list but they usually won't tell you anything so it's not worth doing too often. You'd probably be waiting a year or so, but depending on what/where you're looking to buy, you could get lucky.
I don't think Fingal are any more/less hassle than the other councils.. at least there's no lottery system so it's pretty fair.
thanks for the reply.

I am on the waiting list 8 months for dublin city, I heard Fingal are better and have more properties to offer. I am just after sending off the application for fingal, I got a letter back today to say that they will have to go through my application in due course. By the sounds of it,there are lots of people on it so it could take forever. Do you know roughly what sort of prices the properties are? I was out looking at houses to buy on my own a few weeks ago in the meadows in swords, but on my own,the repayments were far to much,so affordable housing is the only option.
It depends what you're looking for; a house, apartment etc. You'd be paying between €150,000- €180,000, give or take with a deposit of between 5k and 10k depending on your circumstances. There were two bedroom houses in Tyrrelstown a while back and they were asking €162,000 for them if this helps give an idea about the prices.
It looks like some of the units in Bayside are occupied - perhaps maybe the social housing quota. The site security fencing is down, and I was able to drive in today to have a look. The units look a bit grim though - not many windows, a lot of grey.
Where exactly is Bayside again? It'd be nice to see that something is happening...
thanks for the reply kara.

Bayside is in sutton,its on the way out to howth just off the coast road.Its a nice you mind me asking you,how long have you been on the waiting list for?
Does anyone know anything about those new houses in Garristown? I hear they have a good few designated for affordable housing but I haven't heard anything...