Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Chelk.

I too have gotten a house in Kinseally. We submitted our snag list last week and are waiting. I was talking to the girl in Fingal and she said that when we submitted our snag (tuesday 16/01) it would take up to 4 weeks - depending on the builders speed etc... And also what was wrong with the house. I took that to mean that the houses with less critical problems will be sorted out first, but i could be completely wrong
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

When I went to view the Kinsealy houses, I was on the general waiting list over 10 months and was told I was too far down the list (164th to be exact) to be offered one. It was only the second place I viewed. Have heard nothing since and my prov. approval is up in a couple of weeks. Very dissapointed with Fingal CoCo so far, especially as we were lead to believe in the interview that there were a lot more houses available than actually were. "Keep your Saturdays free from now on, you'll be viewing on that day." Ha.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Kara, understand your frustrations.

I got a letter from them to call them if I wanted to view houses in Kinsealy and Balbriggan.
When I called and said I'd be interested in viewing both places they said ok we'll get back to you.

I then got a call a few days later to say sorry, but you are too far down the list to get to view these houses....doh!!!

Its getting peoples hopes up and then taking them away in the same minute, I'm fed up with the whole thing.

I don't know what kind of process or policy they have.

So, will you hve to apply again?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi RACH, ther was nothing major on ou snag list, all fairly monor faults, insulation in attic not fited right, poor finish qualities, etc, but structurally fine, how was your list
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I've just come across this:

[broken link removed]
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi chelk,
I bought a 2 bed duplex in Kettles Lane. I drove up there yesterday on my lunch break and there were builders in (around number 30-36). Presume they were snagging.... Happy Dayz!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Danin,

congrats on the apartment, were you on the list long?

do you mind me asking what kind of deposit you had to give?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi dancin,
did you have many problems on your snag list.
we were told it takes 4 weeks to complete the
lists. we faxed ours in on the15th of jan, so its
supposed to be finised next week. we rang fingal
for an update and they said there had been some delays
with the builders so it looks like the 4 weks is out the window
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey Chelk,
Not at all... I am paying a €20,000 deposit.
It seems alot alright, but beg borrow or steal I'm getting that apt!!!! Super gaffs, super location and compared to a house not on the 'affordable' route, it's well worth it. Half are social, half affordable... I heard Gannon Homes did all their quota of same in Drynam Ave. which is excellent because it means all will be occupied by owners.... Areas with "first homes" are a mess with renters elsewhere at the mo!

I wasn't waiting too long on the list, I was on local list too... about five months. Went to view Balbriggan too but was also fairly far down that list.

Not sure about the snag. Have been keeping an eye and they are defo doing a bit... but not loads of builders up there every day by any means. I'm happy enough to wait though, €600 savings, better in my account than into the mortgage... Could be the difference between Smeg or no Smeg ;o)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi guys,

I only applied in November and haven't heard a thing, i know you have to be patient but the not knowing is tough!
Is anyone in the same boat??
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Ive been approved with Fingal about 6 months now, i was recently called to view the kettles lane properties but was then told i was to far down the list to view. I got another call to view kettles lane this time for real but all that was left was ground floor 2 bed apartments, they are nice but the 2 bedrooms could have been bigger and no balcony or garden. I think im going to hang out for CITYSIDE.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I was talking to my contact in the sales team in Fingal last Tuesday and she said that the Snag lists still hadn't come back and they'd only started them on the 29th of January. Just keeping you updated with the info i have. Have you heard anything at all?

Went to see the house on Saturday and discovered in the large housing estate before ours they've built a new londis shop and they are currently sorting out a creche (if it doesn't apply to you then it means nothing)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Norton,
Do you live in Fingal at present? I have been approved for 5 months now, but I am not on the local list - I'm just wondering if I am far behind you on the list!
By the way, how much was the 2 bed in Kettles lane?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi johnjay,

The 2 bed in kettles lane is 180k, great value.
Im approved 6 months i thk im about 350 on the list, i thk i was offered because nobody else was interested. You should hear something in the next 2 months, i heard theres a good few properties about to come on stream.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I sent Fingal an email a while back to ask them if they could tell me whereabouts I was on their list, I got the following reply today (in other words, dont call us, we'll call you...)

"I refer to your e-mail regarding the above and wish to advise that it is Fingal County Council’s policy, when properties become available, to offer an applicant an opportunity to view the property strictly in accordance with their placing on the list and also having regard to our lending terms and conditions. Therefore, if properties become available and you fall within the offer zone and meet our lending terms and conditions, you will be contacted with regard to viewing the property."
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi guys,
has anybody got a reply back from Fingal regarding their snag list for kettles lane, drynam avenue. we handed ours in over 5 weeks ago and still there is no word on a completion date. I think its time to start ringing them everyday instead of once a week. or maybe even contact local TD.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I don't really want to ask Fingal about this but what happens if ,after you buy your property and everything is signed, sealed and delivered, you decide to set up home with your significant other, can they get put on your deeds/mortgage?? Im sure people have faced this problem before! Surely Fingal cant disapprove... can they?!?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Havent come across this and this is totally my opinion but i would say fingal would have a problem with this. I think the only chance if any is if you and your partner would have met the income limits for a joint application.