Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

techincally, they can request that you show you have maintained the required savings but as long as you have the cash to show, the last few months should be fine - best of luck with the finals
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Not all affordable homes are overvalued. Some in Erris Square are though.
Council should be lowering clawback and making clear provisions in contracts for negative equirty protection.
Just got my valuation back..its €25k lower than the market price. Not fantastic but still better than others ive heard of.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just got my valuation back..its €25k lower than the market price. Not fantastic but still better than others ive heard of.

Not too bad - good luck with everything, it will be a nice place to live.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just got my valuation back..its €25k lower than the market price. Not fantastic but still better than others ive heard of.

so are you going to write to the council regarding their price? - to buy a property and take on 25k in negative equity seems madness - no matter how anyone tries to spin it
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

so are you going to write to the council regarding their price? - to buy a property and take on 25k in negative equity seems madness - no matter how anyone tries to spin it

If you are planning on staying somewhere a bit overvalued for a good view years a smallish overvaluation might not impact too much. I agree though, if people don't get on to AHP/Fingal about valuations then they will never be accountable and the purchase will pay the price. I sent in my revaluation request over a week ago - still waiting for a reply. There is no way I will proceed with my purchase if the 55k over valuation doesn't change.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yeah I have noticed an influx of incorrect prices on properties throughout the country as I deal with valuations/mtgs daily, prices change & some valuers are in the business of dressing up a valuation for a bit more €€,
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I've been offered a property to view next week - the selling price is €160K - can anyone advise if they have bought recently how much deposit they were asked for
It does say minimum of €8K but I anticipate it will be a lot more than that.
I would appreciate feedback
Thanks !
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

MartelloOffered a viewing - Just wondering IF I get one how much I should anticipate having to put down !
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I think it depends on how much they loan approved you for.. then you check the difference between the actual price and the loan approval.. but I could be wrong. Best of luck!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

As far as I remember the loan approval for was for something silly like 130K but subject to more at final approval
All so confusing !
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

can you actually do Shared ownership on Aff H Init?? If so that would be a huge help
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I don't agree with your logic. Firstly, I personally don't agree a total stranger can tell me what I can afford. If I can be paying €1000 for the past 3 years to my landlord in rent, who are they to tell me I can't pay €900 (after morgage relief) for my very own property? The problem most people have is with the deposits required to purchase these preperties. Secondly, Just because FCC thinks the property in space is what I can afford does not mean I would like to live there. Only me really know what will soothe me and if I'm going to be happy there.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey Z750,

The booking deposit is 3K, however the deposit is a minimum of 3% of the purchase price. The maximum mortage you can get for AHI is 97%, you have to make the rest up yourself as a deposit. (this is for the affordable housing initiative).
