Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just got a call about Martello, i am one of the registered people ! who have shown interest in vieweing, so the appointment is set for Thursday 12th July 3:30 Pm.
I was told that i am not in the list of 50 people so i am not guranteed a place yet.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

How long are you approved macy?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just got a call about Martello, i am one of the registered people ! who have shown interest in vieweing, so the appointment is set for Thursday 12th July 3:30 Pm.
I was told that i am not in the list of 50 people so i am not guranteed a place yet.
Im a bit baffled by this surely you are in the top 50 list if you got an appointment... do you mean your not int the top 32 of houses?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Im a bit baffled by this surely you are in the top 50 list if you got an appointment... do you mean your not int the top 32 of houses?

Not sure what's going on maybe someone else can explain, I was told by the Guy on the phone i can only view the place around half three thursday as i have expressed interest in viewing , but i am not assured a place as there are others before me on the list, so i am assuming that i am not in the 32 list yet until a good number of people drop out...
the thing which perplexed me is when i am so far out why even bother showing the place to me...ahh well i am not going to complain for viewing either, need to sort out the afternoon off from work next week...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

The council invites x3 (of # properties - don't quote me on this) of people to come and view because they do not have the resources to arrange for individual viewing. Getting a lot of people to view at once saves on time and resouces. So, if someone turns down the offer, they can go down the list to the next person and not worry about arranging another viewing.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Can I be rude and ask if you know why it took you so long to be approved? I applied November 2006 and was approved December.

Not sure - I filled out the application forms and sent it in at the end of March 2006 and I didnt get called for inital interview until September. It was about another 6 weeks after that before I got the letter stating that I had been approved and that was in Nov 06.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Can you tell us what time your viewing is at you are ninth on the list. As my viewing is at 2.30pm trying to guess if I am within the top 32.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Fingal still have a small number of units in Erris Sqaure in blanch all!

Give em a call or the AHP if your interested my mate got one last night and is over the moon!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I was up there with my friend last night, the apartments are lovely. And seem to be some of the nicest in the whole development - they look out on to a lovely small park, loads of parking, all appliances included. Very spacious as well.

By the way, this is the Affordable Housing Initiative - so if you've been on the "list" with fingal you probably have to had applied seperately.

2 bed apartments from €235,000

[broken link removed]
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I loads of parking

its one undesignated per apartment (regardless of appt size) so i really dont think that its great parking wise - i can see a lot of issues on this one tbh - but i do agree that they are lovely - the best apartments that i have seen under the council by far (and some of the nicest apartments that i have seen anywhere)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I was up there with my friend last night, the apartments are lovely.

Thats me! Am absolutely delighted to be honest. I was a bit iffy about blanchardstown when i went up, as i dont know the area very well, but the apartments are amazing, i got a gorgeous 2 bed with a bay window in the sitting room and all my kitchen appliances included which is fantastic for €245k.As for the parking, i think the lack of designated spaces is brilliant. The 2 blocks the apartments are in are surrounded by car parking spaces, more than enough for everyone and more so dont forsee any probs, better than forking out another 10k for an extra one. The AHI process is very strange and it seems you just have to wait it out and be at the right place at the right time. The AHI people i dealt with last nite were so nice. Yes, you have to make a quick decision,but they dont force you to hurry and they were very helpful with answering any questions i had. I now need to apply..again to Fingal for the apartment i chose i.e do the whole HPL1 form thing again..dont understand why...but im not eventually on the property ladder haha!!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

RE: Erris Square
Is noone questioning the market value of the apts at Erris Square? Were everyone else's valuations grand? My valuation by BOI was €50k lower than the councils? There are also much bigger new apts @ Erris going cheaper from the selling agent.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi All,

One question is the 245k is the council price or the market price?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Oilpainting -I also accepted a two bed in St Samsons, like you a first floor with a bay window, however the kitchen and sitting room are separate. Mine was 195,000 also. I think the bedrooms are quite small though. The block I chose already has people living there, however these are all privately purchased. However like most of the threads i have read in this site, fingal valued the apt at 385,000 however they sold privately for 365,000. You should check out
You never know we might be neighbours.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

hi topgal-excited to get a reply and hear from you... we viewed at end of may 07 and are stil goin through the motions of red tape etc-what stage are you at?..... my boyfriend corrected me and said it is infact worth 385,yes i have seen others over in the (belmayne st samson) selling for 365....... so what do you think of the develpment,i absoultly love the little park and the big trees........when we viewed we had a choice of all the different 2beds-i quite liked the top floor penthouse one and it was a toss between that and the one we accepted,but the bigger master bedroom and the less stairs won it over for us,it was also one of the most expensive ones 10 grand more than the penthouse ...... i have some time off work and i have snuck down and taken photos of the down stairs identical one! he he and i have printed the plans from the web page,i have then designed it a million times already,the kitchen is like- in the sitting room and im trying to figure out the best way to plan it-shows how excited i am,we have been together for 11 yrs-renting for 10 and finally got our own place-always invisioned the decorating bit-ha ha......delighted we got one xxxx
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Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Oilpainting, I viewed mid may and like you couldn't decide between the penthouse either, I loved it but with no lift the stairs was a killer. So like you I picked a 1st floor one. The development is lovely, very clean and seems well maintained. Eventually the road leading to Belmayne will be opened and they are putting in a library and shops so this will be handy. The park and basketball area is lovely also. Across from St. Samsons, Shannon Homes have purchased the land so more houses and apts will be built there. I have done my snag and submitted same so now it is just a waiting game.