Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hello swordshead

Erris square is lovely. I hope I can get a few questions cleared up so that I can go ahead and accept the offer fully. Just to alert you... 2 bed duplexes are still for sale privately from the estate agent for 365k - they had to reduce them because they weren't selling. This is 10k less than the valuation we have been given by the council. These duplexes are also about 200sq feet smaller than the affordable ones. So it's official the affordable ones have been over valued. I'm looking for a revaluation from the affordable homes partnership. I have to put it in writing before I get a reply.

I suggest other purchasers @ Erris Square should do the same. Even if we're protected against negative equity the clawback should still reflect the market value at time of sale.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123,

Fair play o you.good information you go out of them..

Let me know how you get on ...


Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I dont think there is anything we can do. They will only work as fast as they want i think. It is very annoying though. Up until now, i was kind of ok with the wait, once I knew i had somewhere, because it gave me more time to save for doing it up, but now i just want the keys!! I really dont know what the delay is, but from reading other peoples posts in the past, it can take anywhere up to 6 months in some peoples experiences so we could be in for a wait, but fingers crossed that wont be the case!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I got a call from Fingal at about 5:26pm Wednesday for the Martello viewing for next week. I gave out a little bit that I don't want a situation where a thousand people are viewing very little properties since I have to take time off work to view. The guy kindly told me it would be worth it since I'm ninth on their viewing list. About time since I'm now one year and a day waiting to buy.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Have you viewed anywhere else Helix?

No i haven't, i was looking for a house rather then a Apartment probably that

was the delay as i was told, just called the Fingal Coco this morning and was

told the same thing, they are going to start ringing this afternoon for

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Congrats on the call, they sure take their time.

Is this the first property you are viewing Topsido ?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

No, this is my fourth. The first was Kinsaley (was not high enough on the list and deposit was too expensive). Second was the Balbriggan Dun Saithne (viewed but could not book). Third was the St. Samson in Balgriffin. Martello is the fourth one I'm viewing.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just found this site.
Me too i got a letter from Fingal about Martello and called yesterday wondering why they hadn't called back as they did say they would early next week!! Guy told me he had just started ringing and that prob first 50 people would get to view Thursday of next week and if they all hadn't shifted by then that they'd call more people for viewings the following week.
If they made the process simpler and more transparent, they wouldn't have all these nuisance callers like myself taking up valuable house allocating time on them. I'm boggled by the system they're operating.
Anyway, guy told me I wouldn't be getting a call re Martello from him this time, and interest in these properties seems to be quite keen ,so think i'll just dump me letter and wait like Topsido for my 4th, 5th, 6th, maybe 7th offer.....who knows!!!!!!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Topsido,

This is shocking I think I had some high expectations till I read your comments.

But thanks for sharing your expereince..

When you say, qoute:
Second was the Balbriggan Dun Saithne (viewed but could not book).

What is booking in this process, is it "express of interest"?Why one cannot manage to book?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

From my understanding of what booking means ie, if there are 50 properties to view, the first 50 poeple on the list must express their interest in the properties. Once you express an interest in a property, you can not express interest in another property nor get called for another viewing till you withdraw your interest. If someone on the first 50 people is not interested, it goes to the 51th person and down and down the list it goes till someone is interested. Then if you are one of the lucky ones that gets to express your interest, Fingal council ask for your booking fee of €1500 (then you have booked). For the rest of the people that viewed but didn't get the chance to express an interest, you have to put your name on their cancellation list. The list means that you viewed the property and you are still interested incase someone backs out. If you viewed and you didn't put your name down on the cancellation list (which will be compiled accordingly to your place on the original viewing list), as far as fingal council is concerned, you are not interested in that property. I hope this helps.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi All,

I originally applied in March 2006 and received approval in Nov 2006. I got offered my first unit in Meakstowns nearly finglas in May 2007 and now have just received phone call from Fingal about viewing Martello next Thursday.

So its a bit of a long wait.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Topsido said:Once you express an interest in a property, you can not express interest in another property nor get called for another viewing till you withdraw your interest. If someone on the first 50 people is not interested, it goes to the 51th person and down and down the list it goes till someone is interested.

So wait: if I expressed interest but do not get to view, does this mean I have to withdraw my interest before I get put back on the list?

This just goes to show how unclear everyone is on the process. I'm going to write to my local TDs and the council and ask them to lay out the whole process clearly. I do not believe a single person on this thread actually understands the process. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

No, if you express an interest and you are next on the list, you book (put you €1500 down to hold the property). In my personal opinion, it would be unwise to express interest without viewing first so get a friend to go with a camcorder on your behalf. What Council is trying to avoid is some people holding one preperty down while waiting for something better. Look at it this way, how would you feel if when you finally get to do your booking on a property you like and the council now tells you that you could have been moving in by now but they were waiting for the previous person to decide which property they wanted?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I had understood from the letter I received headed "expression of interest" that when I phoned to do so, I was requesting to view the place, not book it. I have not been asked to put down money.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I had understood from the letter I received headed "expression of interest" that when I phoned to do so, I was requesting to view the place, not book it. I have not been asked to put down money.

Hi Purpeller,

That is correct and this is what Topsido saying.

For veiwing you do not need to put down any deposit but after the veiwing if you get offered the place and if you agree to the offer then you put down the deposit.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yes, great help.Thanks
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi everyone, I got a phone call at about 3 pm today from fingal. I have a viewing next Thursday at 3pm in Martello. I am number 41 to view..viewings start at 1.00. Im not really that interested so im ok with not being in top 32 (32 houses i think someone said?) and pleased that it means when those 32 people are off list i would seem to be moving close to a better position on the list and that I have a bit more info about where I am.

Any word yet anyone else???
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Can I be rude and ask if you know why it took you so long to be approved? I applied November 2006 and was approved December.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Purpeller,

That is correct and this is what Topsido saying.

For veiwing you do not need to put down any deposit but after the veiwing if you get offered the place and if you agree to the offer then you put down the deposit.


Yes thats all correct.. I think the "expression of interest" confuses people because the original letter you get seems to be titled the same thing as when you actually book.