Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi All,

I have a bi of news to share it with you all.

I called the Council again and I was told that there are 32 units for veiwing in Martello and there are 600 applicants on the waiting list.

I wish you all the best


To that all I can do is laugh hysterically/in a panicked way.

Just rang Fingal, calls are being made tomorrow.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I just got a call there to go and view apts in Erris Square in Blanch on thursday. Its with the Affordable Homes Partnership..working in conjunction with Fingal i was told! Am confused as no idea what list im on at all. Anyone been out to see these or know what theyre like.Theyre meant to be big...up to 850sq ft. My reservation is the M50..will be a bit of a commute to where i work but know i cant afford to be fussy...dilemma!
Hi. I'm living at the moment in waterville (same area). It's really nice area. Not so bad for N3. we have a broshure for erris square but i never visited them. So good luck
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I just got a call there to go and view apts in Erris Square in Blanch on thursday. Its with the Affordable Homes Partnership..working in conjunction with Fingal i was told! Am confused as no idea what list im on at all. Anyone been out to see these or know what theyre like.Theyre meant to be big...up to 850sq ft. My reservation is the M50..will be a bit of a commute to where i work but know i cant afford to be fussy...dilemma!

there is a website with some floorplans etc to give you an idea of what you are going to see - the apartments are very nice - they are not built as a block of affordable housing (20 apartments have been given to fingal) and are finished to a very high standard compared to most of the affordable housing that has been offered in D15 and come with complete kitchens (fridge/oven/hob/etractor/washer-dryer/fitted presses) tiled kitchen and bathrooms with sreen doors in bathrooms and en suite (if the apartment has one) and fitted wardrobes in all bedrooms- the 2 bed apartments are between 72 and 78 sq meters - so they are reasonable in size, waterville is quiet and mostly largely occupier, which is a plus - obviously, transport is an issue for some, depending on work etc, but if the location is not too out of the way - they are a good buy imo - also check out etc and look up apartments in waterville as the other parts of it are similar in build except for waterville hall (?) which is an ugle looking building - best of luck on thursday
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

To that all I can do is laugh hysterically/in a panicked way.

Just rang Fingal, calls are being made tomorrow.

Hi Cat123, That is true they are making the calls tomorrow (they told me the same thing)But there are 600 Applicant on the waiting list and there 32 units avilable for veiwing so the 32 applicant at the top of the list will be vewing only and not the rest.I hope this clarify things thinggs a bit nore to you...CheersJohn
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

More than 32 applicants will be viewing because not everyone that views will want to reserve one.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Mlouisa, Yep, waiting on snag for Lusk Village, bought 2 months ago. I havent called them to chase up on it yet. The way things go with the council it seems, i dont think that would hurry anything up, its annoying, but it seems to be pretty much a waiting game. I have read of people waiting over 5 months though!! With the builders Hols coming up so soon, this will probably slow everything down even more i was thinking :(
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

i was thinking the same thing last nite about the builder's hols, that;ll delay it even more. I dont know what to do. Really cant understand the delay: a surveyor did my snag start of May. So its up to FCC to get the builder back. dont know why they not pushing it cos its not like they making any money on it.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Rang Fingal there.. they said they are ringing people this evening and tomorrow morning about appointments for Martello. If you don't receive a phone call you don't have an appointment. Waiting for the phone to ring again!Seems pretty annoying.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks for the positive comments on Erris Square. Ive heard good reports so am quite excited now. Im on the Fingal list and only applied in january this year so i thought it was quite quick to be asked. Has anyone else been approached about the viewing on thursday..would love to know more peoples thoughts on the area!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Rang Fingal there.. they said they are ringing people this evening and tomorrow morning about appointments for Martello. If you don't receive a phone call you don't have an appointment. Waiting for the phone to ring again!Seems pretty annoying.

Hi Cat123, Thanks for the update..Just out of interest, how long have you being waiting?Thanks
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Fingal calls people in the evening time? Wow. Civil servants working unsocial hours!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi guys,

Just joining your thread - i applied to fingal COCO 2 months ago - i got a letter saying i would be called for an interview. Still haven't heard anything - how long does it take?


Giving up hope
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I rang Fingal. was told I'm in middle of list.... so if there is 600 people on the list I'm about no. 300. so one in ten people will have to turn a property in balbriggan before i get to view. Probally not likely.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Not sure where would i be on that list for Martello, i got my application

submitted last Aug 06 , still waiting for the phone call....
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123,

Any luck so far?

all the best...


Thanks John.. actually rang them to pester them again (I am one of those annoying people) and they said they have rung no one yet...and it would probably be tomorrow before they started ringing! They also said they would offer approx 50 people vieiwngs.