Affordable Housing Process/Plans in Cork City

I got a 3 bed terrace too, I may have gotten carried away when I said they looked massive ;).
I'd say they looked bigger than I was expecting

know of any good shops for carpet.not too cheap and not too dear!!:)
have tiles sorted out and have good idea for wood for sitting room.
Hey lads,

Just have a few quick questions about the affordable housing

1. On average how long do you have to be on the waiting list or does it matter?

2. Do they ever send out letters saying you haven't been allocated a house if you have expressed an interest?

3. Any info on Toghre rd/Model farm rd devopments

4. And just for my own peace of mind, could someone post who has been offered a place based on simple facts, good savings, low loans, a while on the list. Just hoping the whole 'get a councillor to help' method isn't the way to go.

Being patient is one thing but a bit of feedback would be helpful

On a humourous note, anyone want to lend me a poor wife and kids for my application, maybe it will help lol

Any help would be appreciated
Hey lads,

Just have a few quick questions about the affordable housing

Hi Kenny, I'm sure there are many people here more qualified than me to answer your queries but I'll give you my experience anyway..

1. On average how long do you have to be on the waiting list or does it matter?

The waiting list is just one of the many things counted in the points system. I think you get about 5 points for each year on the list. I shall be going into my 3rd year soon.

2. Do they ever send out letters saying you haven't been allocated a house if you have expressed an interest?

I have never got one.

3. Any info on Toghre rd/Model farm rd devopments

Although the letters are going out now, it will be many months if not more before these are ready for allocation

4. And just for my own peace of mind, could someone post who has been offered a place based on simple facts, good savings, low loans, a while on the list. Just hoping the whole 'get a councillor to help' method isn't the way to go.

I haven't got a house yet unfortunately, but it appears to be based on the points scheme. However I am sure if there are 2 people equal on points and one know a councillor and the other doesn't......

Being patient is one thing but a bit of feedback would be helpful

On a humourous note, anyone want to lend me a poor wife and kids for my application, maybe it will help lol

Hahaha...sorry, I have no kids :D

Any help would be appreciated
Thx for the advice, only on less than a year so sure there are a lot of people b4 me. Sure just keep waiting and hoping. Thanks again
The new batch of letters that have gone out re expression of interest for houses in the new development in Togher...does anyone know more about the development? Is it like Shanakiel, i.e. mostly affordable housing or is it a mix of social and/or private .... Oh and is it built yet or years off completion?!
Hi ngwrbc,
The houses in togher have 20 affordable housing and about 50 social hosuing. I think there's about 500 people after applying. They are built already and look nearly finished but they flew up.
should have keys by end of first week in is yours moving along?

Solicitor is in the process of finding out a rough date on when it'll be ready.
Mine is on Mile Avenue and there seems to be alot of work still being done there so who knows how long it will be.

Have you been allowed into the house yet to take measurements etc ?
Are the builders relaxed about it?
Hi just quick question, im at the stage where im applying for loan approval wit BOI, EBS and IIB but i dont have a good credit history.anyone in similar circumstances willing to let me know how you got on?
thanks in advance!!
Solicitor is in the process of finding out a rough date on when it'll be ready.
Mine is on Mile Avenue and there seems to be alot of work still being done there so who knows how long it will be.

Have you been allowed into the house yet to take measurements etc ?
Are the builders relaxed about it?

they are very good anytime herself goes up no bother about getting in and if u have any little changes u want made they are very least u are on last leg of the journey.waiting for mortgage to be approved was the most nerve racking we just got to spend thirty years paying it back!!!!!:)
they are very good anytime herself goes up no bother about getting in and if u have any little changes u want made they are very least u are on last leg of the journey.waiting for mortgage to be approved was the most nerve racking we just got to spend thirty years paying it back!!!!!:)

I went up there today. My house is completely finished and has been this way since february. The guys in the site office are very helpful. They also told me there are still alot of houses up there not allocated.

What kind of changes were you making if you don't mind me asking??
getting the path in the back garden extended and door on units in kitchen fitted.and moving cupboard for dishwasher.they are helpful in fairness to them but as they said now is the time to do it as they are there working on other houses and plenty materials around.hope to be able to move in in 4 to 6 weeks.
regarding Shanakiel and the remaining houses that have not been allocated, gixer have you heard while your around the site when the city council expect to begin the final allocations?
regarding Shanakiel and the remaining houses that have not been allocated, gixer have you heard while your around the site when the city council expect to begin the final allocations?

havent heard anything about it sorry.i thought they had all been allocated in last offers.
i am also on the cc list for afordable housing, could anyone tell me how much savings do you have to have, and also, anyone know how much for the shared ownership scheme...thanks
Hi MR,

From what I can remember, it's not an actual figure of savings you have to have, rather the proportion of savings compared to earnings/loans etc

I think the City have stopped doing Shared Ownership. I think I read that here on some posting.

i am also on the cc list for afordable housing, could anyone tell me how much savings do you have to have, and also, anyone know how much for the shared ownership scheme...thanks
thanks b.b

Thought that option might have still being available. My partner and i are both self employed, finding it a bit difficult through the bank to get a mortgage, any body in the same boat that might have some advice?
Thats correct, you don't pay the full ammount until your happy that your snag list is complete. I used * A guy called conor mooney hes a chartered engineer, and he did an excellent detailed report i was able to use th ereport to confirm the builders had finished the repairs myself, there was no need for me to call him back.

Mortgage approval
Sign contract and pay deposit
Full payment.
Is there any movement on any new developments in Cork? I've heard that stage 3 Shanakiel and Togher are next up, but there doesn't seem to be much happening. Does anybody have an update on this?
Hi Bubblebunny, I havent heard a thing from them since the letters for Togher were sent. Once these (shanakiel phase 3 & togher) developments are allocated I dont know if there's anything in the pipline, could be a long wait. I hope I'm wrong!
Thats correct, you don't pay the full ammount until your happy that your snag list is complete. I used * A guy called conor mooney hes a chartered engineer, and he did an excellent detailed report i was able to use th ereport to confirm the builders had finished the repairs myself, there was no need for me to call him back.

Mortgage approval
Sign contract and pay deposit
Full payment.
Thansk for the info of engineer, how much this would cost?
i am in buying progress myself, got an offer, acepted, morgage papers all done, and solicitor just recieved contracts... so whats the next step, just to sign the contracts when solicitor happy with them or snagging is before?