Hi Guys,
Just to give you some encouragment on the affordable home front. I applied to Fingal last year and was approved in the summer, so far I've been offered meakstown, kettles lane, lusk. All of these were apartments even though I specified house, and they were all tiny. I have a young child so I refused all of the above.
The part that gets me (and boy oh boy will I be giving TD's a run for their money when the come canvassing) is that given the clawback on affordable housing it not something that you enter into lightly, yet it seems that about 90% of units are 2 bed shoeboxes! Are the county councils / builders supplying houses for the short term needs of people? It doesn't seem realistic for a single parent like me to live in a two bed that I am more or less tied into for the next twenty years due to financial restrictions. Even if I wanted to trade up to a three bed in ten years time, by the time I'd pay the clawback to fingal I'd be back where I started with insufficant deposit and medium earnings. Really I think they need to introduce minimum sizes on affordable properties and the council should insist that the builders build and finish the affordable houses to the same standard as the rest of the homes in the development. I have seen kitchens with a gas boiler press and only three more for storage! Also regular homes in the development are 1050 sq ft, fully fitted wardrobes in all bedrooms yet the affordable ones are 900sq ft and no fitted wardrobes.
Moaning all done.....My feeling is that affordable houses are too good to last all things considered. My advice is to get saving, get on the list, and gt out there viewing everything on the market, you'll be surprised where affordable houses turn up.