Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

I think the land in Goatstown belongs to the council. So you need to be earning less than €40k to be offered something there.
So once we stick down the deposit how long do you think till we close?
Regarding BSQ I think these apartments are nearly ready for snagging so its just paperwork and if so how long?
Apparently you can queue in lobby for those of you worrying about the cold 75 apartments 56 people so no panic.
Hey folks- just to say best of luck tomorrow. Let us know what the apartments in the cubes 8 are like (sizes, numbers etc)
Dying to hear how everyone got on today and what they thought of it all!

Suppose I'll be the first to start things off then rabbits! Arrived over there between half 11 and 12 today to find some people had been queueing since Monday and Tuesday. I was given a number in the 20's which was ok. Saw the plans and worked out which ones I wanted to see. There was both duplexes and single floor apartments available. On seeing the apartments the living area in some of the duplexes is small. Some have balconies and some have a cube type opening and some have nothing. I ended up deciding on going for a duplex on the top floor with balconies off the living areas and both bedrooms. As I'll need to rent the spare room for a while I'm happy that the room is rentable. Not as small as the spare room in the single floor ones. It is a small living area but I'm willing to make that sacrifice. There was 45 odd people there today and I know for definite one of them didnt take an apartment. Would say there's up to 20 apartments left. A lot of people I spoke with said they would put the deposit down but probably not go ahead with it. Anyone else out there go along today?
congrats Mac that's great news. Was the layout similar to block 7?

Thanks very much. Pretty much identical to it. Slightly better views though as you're looking out towards the mountains and the bay rather than back into the Beacon area.
Thanks for the update Mac! Apparently, I'm on the list and should be called for one of the next viewings Congrats on finding one you like. Did you view the different sizes? Were the smallest ones too tiny?

An update on the snagging question, I was talking to DLR yesterday and at first was told that they would be doing the snagging and would cost between E300-500 - usually comes out at E360. However, I then got an email later in the day to change that, he had checked it out and as these are direct sales we would look after snagging ourselves.
The living areas are small in the duplexes. Some have a cube jutting out which makes it that much bigger. I only really had 3 things I wanted, 2 ok sized bedrooms, balcony off the living area, and top floor. Got all 3 but the living area is small relative to what you would get in other apartments. Would fit 2 2 seaters in it, a corner unit and maybe a small coffee table. Depends on how well you use the space.
It sounds like it all went ok then Over on a couple of the existing residents have said that they are happy with how they have worked out and settled into the area and also the bedroom sizes so thats good to hear. Did they give you any timescales for snagging/completion or anything like that? I know, I know, I'm all questions! It does help a lot though so you're very good and I'm sure everyone else is wondering the same things!

Did the whole thing take long? Just wondering if I need a day off work or just a half day
Depends on how many other people are going to be there. The first person in line had been queueing since Monday and the first 7 or 8 people had queued for about 26 hours or so. I spoke with a girl who arrived at 9.30 in the morning and got number 19. I came in around 11.30 and got mid 20's. I wouldnt leave it till 2 o clock before heading in there. A day off work might be a good idea if you're sure you're gonna take one. Maybe try and look at daft and see if theres any apartments you could view that way. I know theres another viewing tomorrow afternoon for some people - you could try going along and pretending that your partner / brother / sister bought one and you were coming in to view it for measurements or something. Think creatively!!

Hey guys, congrats! A few of my friends are really happy too who got them, same issues re size though... I'm was going to buy but decided against it (for a number of reasons) but I'm actually renting in Beacon at the moment and I know the guy who did work on the apartment is really good and has worked in Beacon and he charges about 250 - 300 for doing a snag, reliable guy. If anyone wants his details give me a shout.
Hi Guys,

After much sole searching I elected to queue up and ended up putting a deposit down on an apartment on the 6th floor.

I did the the 24hr queuing thing but it wasn't all bad and it was quite interesting to meet the people who may end up being my next door neighbours. The other applicants were in the main 20 somethings who all seemed to appreciate the opportunity they were finally getting to put a foot on the p ladder.

If your invited to a viewing it is no harm being there early(like 9.00 am), most of the apartments have so many positives that they out way any negatives however there are a few extremely small 2 bed apartments which are much smaller than the usual 2 beds(62sq m 2 bed).

On the day I had about 10 seconds to look at the apartment I ultimately purchased before I had to leg it back to the conseige to secure my choice. There was no reason why the viewing had to be so chaotic except that perhaps Landmark wanted to keep us in the dark and on edge as much as possible. We spent about an hour in the Cube however there was a very limited supply of safety gear so a lot of people spent ages waiting on landing for hard hats to be made available to them. For some reason they would not let us look at the apartments without the hard hats etc.

I'm waiting to see what open market valuation they put on the apartments before i sign a contract. I think they will be a good deal if the market valuation is realistic.
Good day everybody - it was a long day and a long wait, but I think in most cases there should be something for most people - with a bit of sacrafice. I did think the duplexes were narrow but gained the benefit of the bigger bedrooms - good for renting. In the end I too went for the single floor apartment and am glad to be moving out of the rental market. Finally it was good to meet a few of the boards contributors in flesh and see the new neighbours!
I'd certainly recommend turning up the earlier the better, seems like there was a rush at 2pm.
I'm delighted to hear that you all seem to have been happy with what was on offer. Unfortunately I won't be your neighbour as I am holding out for a 3-bed and wasn't fortunate to get one in Beacon. Best of luck with it
LOL Hopefully there will be some nice places left by the time I get called for it! We'll all have to have a big celebration drink or whatever once we're all in! Fingers crossed, I'm trying not to let myself be excited about it at all until at least its been booked. After that, its a bit more real.
I was up on Friday and got an apartment. The finish is fab and the duplexes are cute. I got one with two good size doubles (I had to sacrifice a balcony off the kitchen). Npw the serious stuff starts.... has the council been back on to anyone? if anyone has info on market price etc please keep the forum posted. Also any movement on the price we are being asked to pay.