Advice required on a proposed garage/commercial unit conversion to dwelling


Registered User
Hi All,

Looking for some advice on what possible pitfalls or planning regs I should look out for. Family owned commercial unit in county Limerick. It is a concrete cavity block built structure approx 20ft W by 40 foot L.

Previous use was as a car body repair shop. It has road access and water and electricity are connected. It sits on a plot adjacent to but not physically connected to the my parents dwelling house with its own eircode.

The site would have sufficient space for drainage, tank etc. It currently has a pitched metal roof and the plan would be to remove this and replace with its own
pitched roof to add a first floor.

Just asking the question if in peoples opinion this would likely be a starter before going down planning route.

Get a local planning agent familiar with the infill development criteria to view the site. Can site distances be maintained. Window to window distance. Private open space. Car parking along with minimum floor areas for new dwellings.
Impossible to tell on the info posted.
download the county development plan and look at the criteria for infill development.