When I got it done, the company who came and did it topped up to 300mm, put in a new door and added insulation strips around it and catches to close it securely, they also added a meter squared of flooring around the water tank, insulated the tank and all pipework. They properly segregate wiring and light fittings. I have a velux shaft that runs from the stairwell to the roof (classic Bovale feature). that was entirely uninsulated and they wrapped it in rock wool. It probably raised the internal temperature by around 3c.
It was worth getting it done professionally. I think I paid out around 2k and got 1.3k back on the grant. I didn't bother with flooring as I have a lot of other work to do on the house.
Not sure what to say to you about the old insulation - that's why I got professionals to come and do the lot.