Advice about physical distancing at Garda traffic check point?


Registered User
Is there any guidelines about physical distancing at Garda traffic check points at the moment to protect both Gardaí and driver?
Looking at the news see a Garda very close to the driver window.....speaking to the driver...….sometimes taking a document from the driver then handing it back ......presumably after handling other documentation from other drivers......I saw one clip of a Garda with gloves on......I wonder were these changed after handling each document.....
The Gardaí are doing a good job to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Some crackpots have taken to the road to visit their precious mobile homes etc. Even in the past two days there has been an invasion from NI by uncaring idiots hell bent on having a terrific holiday weekend and flouting the emergency laws.

I suggest we keep criticism away from our Gardaí at the moment. If we lose the protectors, then who will protect us?
Not criticism, just a question. Still have to drive to get to work. Haven't met any checkpoints so far.
Is there any guidelines about physical distancing at Garda traffic check points at the moment to protect both Gardaí and driver?
Gardai are frontline workers and AFAIK are exempt from physical distancing in the course of their duties, where necessary.