Advert ;Erectile dysfunction.

Complainer;Surely Children are entitled to innocence and should not have to worry nor be exposed to the things in life that we as adults can deal with and worry about untill their emotions are mature enough to deal with it themselves.

dewdrop you make a good point,however this board is for adults and I dont see many 4,5 or 6 year olds coming on to read our treads.Children are being exposed to these ads on a daily basis ,as a parent I never know when the ads will come on and I do try to avert their attention,which just means they then know Im trying to do just that!
However,you do have a choice ,you dont have to read these posts.
Complainer;Surely Children are entitled to innocence and should not have to worry nor be exposed to the things in life that we as adults can deal with and worry about untill their emotions are mature enough to deal with it themselves.
I've never seen a kid worrying about this kind of stuff. At worst, a kid might ask a few questions, and the kids reaction will be very dependant on the adult reaction to those questions.
I've never seen a kid worrying about this kind of stuff. At worst, a kid might ask a few questions, and the kids reaction will be very dependant on the adult reaction to those questions.

This is getting very tit for tat..
You may never have seen a kid worry about this kind of stuff,others may you really believe that kids need to know this kind of thing or that kids should be exposed to it on a daily basis.I dont.Its just about the only time in our lives that someone else can do the worrying for us.

Do you not think that kids should have some time out to be just that,a kid.? Next thing you know we will be telling them all our problems when their little minds dont have the capacity to deal with these issues.Adult reasoning of issues is very different to how a child sees things.
Luckily its still up to the parent when and where they feel it correct to have this discussion not when its forced on them by an advertisment.

As another poster said, it doesn't need to be a big deal, a simple "medicine for a daddys willy, but don't worry your daddy doesn't need it" answer could suffice.

Children don't grow up in a vacuum where they only learn from their parents, so unfortunately parents don't necessarily get to chose the timing of such conversations.
This is getting very tit for tat..
You may never have seen a kid worry about this kind of stuff,others may you really believe that kids need to know this kind of thing or that kids should be exposed to it on a daily basis.I dont.Its just about the only time in our lives that someone else can do the worrying for us.

Do you not think that kids should have some time out to be just that,a kid.? Next thing you know we will be telling them all our problems when their little minds dont have the capacity to deal with these issues.Adult reasoning of issues is very different to how a child sees things.
Again, I don't see how a TV or radio adverts stops kids being kids. There is no comparison with 'telling them all our problems'. It's just a radio ad. 90% of the time the kids won't hear or notice it. If they do notice it, just pass it off.

Why the obsession with matters reproductive? Kids don't need to know about mortgages or cholestorol or starvation in Darfur either. Should we object to all of these being mentioned on the radio, or just sex stuff? I do feel that this 'we can't talk about it' attitude contributes to an environment where sex is seen an unmentionable, not to be discussed, something for the schoolyard etc.
Again, I don't see how a TV or radio adverts stops kids being kids.

Because they are subjected to adult problems when they dont have the mentality to understand them maybe?

There is no comparison with 'telling them all our problems'. It's just a radio ad. 90% of the time the kids won't hear or notice it
. If they do notice it, just pass it off.

Bit of inconsistancy going on here! And why would you say there is no comparison? If they know about issues of thrush ,erectile dysfuntion why are they then not entitled to know ,for example our money problems/marraige issues?

Why the obsession with matters reproductive?

What obsession?

Kids don't need to know about mortgages or cholestorol or starvation in Darfur either.
Exactly what can a five year old do about the above? worry about it maybe...

Should we object to all of these being mentioned on the radio, or just sex stuff?
What has an advert for say, thrush got to do with sex?

I do feel that this 'we can't talk about it' attitude contributes to an environment where sex is seen an unmentionable, not to be discussed, something for the schoolyard etc.

Im not nor did I say we should not talk about it,what I am saying is that there is a time and place of the parents choosing as to weather their 5/6 etc year old should be made aware of these things.
What good is it for either a child or the adult with the issue,to have their kid know about it?