Advert ;Erectile dysfunction.


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I know this is a common issue and I understand these things need to be dealt with,,but..but, does it have to be on the radio all through the day?

I keep having to change the station when the teens (a teenage girl,when dads in the room and the Ad comes on is very embarrasing for them both) are around and when the younger ones are around ,im just waiting for the inevitable question !

I mean where does it end?

I just think that it should be on after the watershed.

Id love to know is it just me or do others find it a step too far?
As a lad of 9 or 10 when my sister was going through puberty and I was old enough to know what was going on, I found ads on TV for female hygiene products very awkward when we were watching TV as a family. Same thing really I suppose.
Society has moved on. Girls no longer think they are going to die when they get there first period because adults were too embarressed to explain to them what would happen at a certain age.

I always had the belief if someone is old enough to ask a question then they are old enough to get the answer.
but some kids will ask you something to try and get a rise out of ya.
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Posters , I see your points,and no one is more delighted than me that the tables have turned,and its the men who are the target of advertising these days.

As a lot of these type of ads are aimed at women,like tampons,trush,bowel movements etc,so yes bring it on.

That being said say for example there was some reason why a woman couldnt have sex,should a possible solution be put on national radio?
BTW;where does it end?(no pun intended )
i thought that was why we had Dara O'Brien on the radio telling us to go to our local every night.
We're just back from a holiday in the US. At 10:30AM during Federer's French Open final match, there was an ad for one of these products and, by law I think US tv ads have to include side-effects etc. I'm pretty open with my kids (10 and early teens)but having to explain 'please contact your doctor if you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours' as they fell about the place laughing wasn't my idea of holiday fun....