Accelerated lifting of restrictions from June 8th


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As well as announcing that Ireland will move to Phase 2 of the roadmap, from June 8th, the following acceleration easing of restrictions has been announced.

What you need to know about Phase Two:
  • You may travel within your own county, and up to 20km from your home if crossing county boundaries.
  • You may meet up to six people from outside your household both indoors and outdoors for social gatherings.
  • Organised outdoor exercise, sporting, cultural or social activities of up to 15 people may take place - physical distance of at least two metres must be maintained.
  • Up to 25 immediate family and close friends may attend funeral services from next week.
  • All retail stores can reopen - shops that are reopening will be required to operate staggered hours opening no earlier than 10:30am and allocating dedicated time for the elderly, vulnerable and at risk (my note: I don't understand the opening hours limit)
  • Shopping centres will also be able to open from 15 June.
  • People should continue to work from home if possible.
  • Public transport capacity is limited because of social distancing requirements.
  • Outdoor summer camps may operate for post-primary children.
  • Playgrounds and commercially-serviced outdoor amenities may reopen.
It is still recommenced that face coverings be worn in public places, such as shops, and on public transport.

Varadkar also confirmed that there will now be four phases of easing restrictions, rather than five.
Phase Three will begin on 29 June and Phase Four will start on 20 July.

Varadkar: Hairdressers, barbers and nail bars remain in phase 4 - July 20 - because it’s high risk.
Tourism and hospitality sectors will return on 29 June. Bars can reopen if they serve food and have table service.
Place of worship can resume also services in Phase 3.

Phase 3, beginning on 29 June, will see all domestic travel restrictions lifted.
International travel: All non-essential overseas travel to and from Ireland should be avoided. Passengers arriving from overseas are expected to self-isolate for 14 days.
No announcements made on whether weddings can return. In response to a question from reporters, Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said that weddings will be “one of the things we’ll be considering as part of the advice in relation to Phase Three and Four”
Also no Phase 5 now. Everything previously announced will happen in first four phases.

The Roadmap has effectively been torn up.
No announcements made on whether weddings can return. In response to a question from reporters, Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said that weddings will be “one of the things we’ll be considering as part of the advice in relation to Phase Three and Four”
Small weddings, 6 people, AFAIK.
i am confused with this travel logic ,my current location will allow me to travel east 40 km, or more if i continue within my county at least 100km + ,but the county border is couple km south of me , when i pass that i cannot travel more than 20 km i don't get it?
i am confused with this travel logic ,my current location will allow me to travel east 40 km, or more if i continue within my county at least 100km + ,but the county border is couple km south of me , when i pass that i cannot travel more than 20 km i don't get it?
Alan Kelly has pointed out that the new travel restrictions are impossible to police, that in effect travel restrictions are gone. I completely agree, in fact I never understood the rationale for travel restrictions in the first place. Dominic Cummings himself thought they were silly.
Alan Kelly has pointed out that the new travel restrictions are impossible to police,
The Gardai have stopped checking since Monday of last week. This is not official, but if you know a Garda he/she will tell you this.
Specific locations, like beaches and beauty spots are still being checked, though that relates more to SD than distance restrictions.
i am confused with this travel logic ,my current location will allow me to travel east 40 km, or more if i continue within my county at least 100km + ,but the county border is couple km south of me , when i pass that i cannot travel more than 20 km i don't get it?
They have to draw the line somewhere.

Much like drinking and driving. 51 and you’re done, 49 and you’re not.
“But it’s only 2?!?!?!”
Gotta draw the line somewhere.
i am confused with this travel logic ,my current location will allow me to travel east 40 km, or more if i continue within my county at least 100km + ,but the county border is couple km south of me , when i pass that i cannot travel more than 20 km i don't get it?

Don't overthink it. It's just an arbitrary way of trying to reduce the circulation of people and the virus.
An arbritrary way that is easily understood even though not as the crow flies it is a bit random.
  • All retail stores can reopen - shops that are reopening will be required to operate staggered hours opening no earlier than 10:30am and allocating dedicated time for the elderly, vulnerable and at risk (my note: I don't understand the opening hours limit)

They mentioned the reduced hours was to reduce pressure on public transport during peak hours so I guess stopping people heading into town first thing in the morning.
They mentioned the reduced hours was to reduce pressure on public transport during peak hours so I guess stopping people heading into town first thing in the morning.
But isn’t public transport to be used for essential journeys only? Not shopping?
I think the advice is to walk or cycle.
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Buses and Dart services to operate pre-Covid 'Monday to Friday' schedule from next week... However social distancing requirements will mean that overall capacity on these services will be restricted to 20% of pre-Covid levels.

But isn’t public transport to be used for essential journeys only? Not shopping?
I think the advice is to walk or cycle.
Yes but we all know plenty of people aren't paying any heed of that now and the ability to enforce it is limited. The weather turning might be a good thing too and slow the rush outdoors and reduce the opportunities to and numbers congregating.