I agree; the song should have been called “unfortunate”.
Shnaek & Ubiquitous for their contributions, clarifying with kindness my sometimes mad ramblings. They are the gentlemen of AAM.
I would nominate Dr.Moriarty for the "gentlemen of AAM" category.
I forgot to mention Sueellen for all things associated with the home advice which along with Vanilla's decorating hints means there will be beautiful homes all over Ireland
And mean and nasty to the old ones.Yeah, he is an ol' fella alright
The contributor who stays calmest despite her/his profession being called into disrepute: Graham07
This topic has been debated last year also......http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=62117
I propose that these awards be called Askers!
Ed Byrne, eat your heart out.