AAM awards?


Registered User
I think this has been mooted before.

Why not all congratulate each other for no reason whatsoever and pick our favourite contributors - who do you vote for?

To simplify matters I suggest 4 categories only:


Posters can suggest other posters in general and/or pick specific posts and be sycophantic/flirtatious in general (if you wish) with your commentary.

Let's make it polite - no negative stuff.

Any takers?
Informativeness= I think sydthebeat is pretty far up there his knowledge of planning is professional and complete (bar 1 moment we won't delve into).
Also daveyjones knows his plumbing

Wisdom=Television I like a lot of his posts

Style=I don't know much about all the other forums other than the ones I've contributed to so I'll pick Purple for this

I reckon:

Informativeness - Well it has to be ClubMan doesn't it?

Wisdom: MOB in a philosophical sense and Purple in a no nonsense 'hitting the nail on the head' sense.

Style: Dr Moriarty's posts rarely have a word out of place - a joy to read.
ClubMan is no slouch either, but in a more pithy way.
(I have a lisp BTW ) Talking of pithiness, RS2K deserves a special mention for unsentimental economy of posting.

Humour: Again, Clubman for the one liners, Teabag for the surrealism but the one single post that made me laugh more than any this year was one of Purple's.

...and I didn't even do an appreciative smiley
Two more categories, please?

The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party:


The contributor who stays calmest despite her/his profession being called into disrepute:

Mine are:

Informativeness: ClubMan

Wisdom: Ubi

Style: Mf1

Humour: Caveat/Purple

The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: I would say Purple, but then I'd be accused of flirting, so Ney001

The contributor who stays calmest despite her/his profession being called into disrepute: Graham07
Style DrM
Wisdom and for his insight into human nature MOB
Humour ClubMan

and LDFerguson deserves a special mention for song writing!
Informativeness - Clubman

Wisdom: Ubiquitous, Caveat (perhapse because we share many of the same biases) and RainyDay whom I often disagree with but always find thought provoking, and MOB

Style: Dr.M is a class act, out on his own on this one.

Humour: Dr. M, Clubman

The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: Vanilla (of course!)

The contributor who stays calmest despite her/his profession being called into disrepute: MOB
The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: Well someone would have to chaperone Vanilla & Purple and that would be entertainment enough for me.

The contributor who stays calmest despite her/his profession being called into disrepute: MrMan comes to mind.
The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: I would say Purple, but then I'd be accused of flirting, so Ney001

The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: Vanilla (of course!)

Oh no - I feel like Yoko Ono!
The one that made me laugh most was a question about large sums of money appearing mysteriously in your personal account and some bright spark posted "Ah, it's yerself, Bertie!" laughed for days on that one.

I tried to find it so I could post it but all I could find was an older thread with a similar comment by Clubman..which would have been funny too had I not seen the other one.
Informativeness: Clubman

Wisdom: Teabag!

Style: mf1

Humour: Purple is funny, but the thread that made me laugh most this year was this one: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=78447
Although I believe the OP of this one has been banned since so perhaps its not PC of me to mention him/her?

The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: If it was raining - Teabag, otherwise, Vanilla.

The contributor who stays calmest despite her/his profession being called into disrepute: MrMan
The contributor you'd most like to be stuck next to at an otherwise boring dinner party: MrMan

MrMan, how did you pick your username ?
I ask because I remember when I was a young tea leaf, I got the album Jagged Little Pill and I thought it was fantastic music even though Alanis scared the livin beejesus out of a young tea leaf looking to meet other female tea leaves (of the non bunny-boiler variety).

The one line that I distinctly remember Alanis shouting at me was;
"Hello Mr.Man, you didn't think I'd come back, you didn't think I'd show up with my army and this ammunition on my back"
Funnily enough I had a turbelent relationship with Alanis or lanny as I called her and she called me mrman, didn't end well though. I had forgotten about it so I must have subconsciously chosen it as my username.
I also had a turbulent relationship with Alanis Morissette after she released a song called Ironic, which contained very few examples of irony. I don't for one moment buy into the argument that the inappropriate use of the word in the song constituted irony in itself.

Apart from that, the album Jagged Little Pill just grated after a while. So your boyfriend dumped you? Happens a lot when you're a teenager. Deal with it. Move on.

I agree; the song should have been called “unfortunate”.