AAM 10 year birthday party Friday 20 November

Brendan Burgess

Hi folks

It's hard to believe it, but this "new" website is ten years old in November.

We will celebrate with a pint in The Schoolhouse in Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge.

Time 9 pm

Congratulations on such an excellent website. When i switch on my computer it is usually my first port of call. Out of curiosity do many posters know each other and is there any indication of the age profile of posters?
Excellent Website. A rare thing to find a messageboard on the Internet that has discussions which don't end up degenerating into a mud slinging contest.

A testement to the Brendan and the Mods.
Re: Askaboutmoney 10 year birthday party Friday 20 November

Life was much simpler then

One thing never change. I would love this know what's in this post :
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Congrat's to all on the first decade.... Here's to many more!...Thanks a million to everyone involved!...

Congratulations on such an excellent website. When i switch on my computer it is usually my first port of call. Out of curiosity do many posters know each other and is there any indication of the age profile of posters?

Hi Dewdrop


I would have met only a handful of the people over the years.

We don't collect any information, so we really don't know about the profile.

I had a thread somewhere on doing a survey of members, but I can't find it just now.
Wow, ten years. I'm sure it feels just like yesterday..... I will be in Orlando on Nov 20th and will miss a pint or two with you all but I will raise my glass (in the sun) and wish you all well and many many more years of support.


Excellent Website. A rare thing to find a messageboard on the Internet that has discussions which don't end up degenerating into a mud slinging contest.

A testement to the Brendan and the Mods.

+1. i joined this site when i was in financial difficulty and it couldn't have been more helpful. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations Brendan and best wishes for the future.

I am sorry i will not be able to join you and fellow members on the 20Th.
I will however drink a Pint to your success down here in County Clare.

I came across your valuable site about 4 years ago and a day hardly passes without i checking in.

Heres to the next 10 years.

Regards and Best wishes.

Well done Brendan on keeping such a brilliant site up and running for ten years.

Thanks also to the mods and all those who have taken the time to help one another with their replies.

I think I drive my family and friends crazy when talking about Askaboutmoney. They think I'm addicted to the site (I am :D) It has given me, and continues to give me so much support and information.

Long may AAM continue to flourish. Happy 10th Birthday.
Congratulations on a fantastic website! As a new user I'm sorry to have missed the last 9 and 3/4 years but looking forward to making up for that in the years to come
Happy birthday to all at AAM and well done Brendan & the team.

Don't think I'll make it for the drinks but enjoy the night everyone!
Congratulations. Not sure how many years I have been posting here but a lot of the 10 years I would think. Will toast you here in the rebel county.

It would be great if there was a post of the top 10 threads of 10 years ago to compare what people were talking about compared to now.
Felicitations to Brendan, the Mods and all posters who make AAM such an addictive source of invaluable source of information. Here's to many more years of success.

I had the pints last night.
Congratulations Brendan, this site is so useful, informative and enjoyable and I hope it has many more years of productivity ahead. I saw you and AAM mentioned in today's Indo so perhaps more members on the way? Would have really liked to be there but will be away sunning myself! Enjoy the night, will look forward to reading about it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY I second that justsally I too drive my friends and family crazy quoting what is said in this forum but they are quick enough asking me to send in a query for them when they have a question. I found this forum in 2007 when I started a new business and it was 'a Godsend' I hadn't a clue but I learnt so much from it and it kept me on top of things. I too now visit site every morning to catch up on my favourite topics. I'll raise a glass of wine to you on the 20th to you in Limerick. I'm sure we could join up a line right down through Ireland!
Happy Birthday & thank you for all the hard work which was obviously put into the site. I would certainly hope to join you for a drink on the 20th. To answer one of the other posters, apart from seeing Brendan on the telly, I don't know any of the others, so apart from celebrating that's a good reason to go for a drink, a chance to meet up & say thanks for all the help, maybe we should all start designing our username badges as real names won't mean a lot!