I haven't paid the property tax as yet - as a matter of principle. Alright, it may be a pointless gesture in some people's opinion & it probably is. But it is born of frustration of not only the unfairness of this tax, but frustration of the past couple of years of cutbacks/additional taxed & the fact that none of the bankers/developers/politicians - years on - have been brought to account for their reckless & criminal behavior. I know to register my protest is going to cost me money & I will pay it at sometime in the future - it's the law & I have no choice, I understand that. I have never broken the law before. But I believe my actions are true for many people who are totally frustrated by the situation currently in this country. I'd like to add, that the statements by various members of the government are only adding fuel to this frustration - when will they learn that they are supposed to be servants of the people - not the other way around - they should learn to keep their mouths shut!