A good bed but not too expensive


Registered User
Hi All,

know of any good sales on at the moment for beds?

Can you recommend a good matress make?

I paid €850 for a Viscolux Memory Foam Matress & Base - King Size, recently, it basically take the shape of your body when you lie on it. It is very comfortable to sleep on, only potential drawback is that it gets quiet warm quiet quickly,fine at this time of year, but I hope that its not too warm in the summer time.
Bought a bed frame from arranmount. Looks really good and only cost €150 in the sales. Cant really help you with mattresses
Hi Sammie,

If you run the search option in this forum only you will find many previous threads on beds.

You may also get some advice on www.furniture.ie.

I've read many times here and also heard from friends down thru the years that Arnotts have great value in beds during their sales.
If it's comfort you are looking for, spend the money on the mattress rather than on the bed. That should be obvious, I guess.

Hi where did you buy this bed?
I'd second Arramount - they make their own matresses in Galway and they are willing to lower the marked price too.
I think you should reconsider the amount you're willing to spend on a bed. Think about it this way....in theory you spend 8 hours a day in it (one-third of your life). A lot of people spend €20,000 (or more) on a car in which they spend an average of less than an hour a day.

I spent over €2,000 on a tempur memory foam mattress and reckon it's possibly the best investment I've ever made. The mattress will last for years, and unlike other furniture, I don't have to worry about whether it will suit the surroundings in a room so I can bring it with me when I move.

I bought a great memory matress from The Back Shop just off Grafton Street, the best thing is I wasn't too sure about whether I'd like sleeping on memory foam and they offered a 10 day money back refund, I do however love it!

cheers for that. How much did it cost? and how much extra is the base? Max I can pay for a whole bed including headboard is €800, and I'm looking for a king size.

We bought a King Koil (American bed, made in Naas) a about 6 years ago - I suffered from a bad back, so it was Chiropractor recomemnded. Have to say many an enjoyable night spent in it.

Got it outsuide Dublin, from memory £800 in old money for a king size base and mattress.
I'm interested in these memory foam matresses as they get pretty positive reviews for better sleeping comfort, but would love to get feedback on their impact on "other" matress activities, would the "sinking" feeling affect things???
cheers for that. How much did it cost? and how much extra is the base? Max I can pay for a whole bed including headboard is €800, and I'm looking for a king size.


Sorry Sammie, my purchase was out of your price range, it was just about €1000 for just the matress. I reccomend checking out matress.ie which was also mentioned, they seem to be the best deal when it comes to great buys!

I'm interested in these memory foam matresses as they get pretty positive reviews for better sleeping comfort, but would love to get feedback on their impact on "other" matress activities, would the "sinking" feeling affect things???

Slave1, I had worried about that as well. Some mentioned it can be difficult getting out of bed from a foam matress as theres no bounce (which can make a difference with other 'activities') the matress I bought from the Back Shop has springs in it so there is still some bounce, however the springs are so tightly coiled and the foam is so thick that it feels like the best of both worlds to me!

Another good test of a mattress is to sit on corner. If it sags, or you are tilted, move on.
I dont know how you could buy a bed on the internet. Aren't you suppose to "test" the bed out in the shop. I mean you should lie down on it and if two people are going to be sleeping in it - the two of you should test it out before you buy.
I bought a king size bed last year and it was the best piece of furniture I have ever bought. It has the memory foam matress
and cost €1,250.00.
Come to think of it I should head there now.
re last post, well internet shopping and recommendations from previous purchasers is how you purchase on the net, akin to word of mouth recommendations, if you do your research through forums such as this then you can buy anything you like, I'm going to order a memory foam from mr.pillow.co.uk for £464 inc delivery, through various searches have got two firm recommendations that gives me the peace of mind I need to buy an item such as this over the net