8 years married and bored

Is there any chance of getting in with a few other friends (couples) and maybe taking it in turns to have pizza nights or something like that.
Every chance my sister & her hubby gets they're either out with friends or have them over, maybe they're sick of each other's company...
We have decided to make a few lifestyle changes, starting with his job which is very stressful. I know he hates it and I don't like the person it turns him into, so we have had a long talk and have introduced some options into the pitcure.
That should help.

Not much wrong I think, just needed to express my concerns that there might be if something doesn't change.

The kids are great and we wouldn't change any of that, it's just hard sometimes to claw back a little time for yourself.

Thanks everyone, its good to be able to vent this stuff.
Not sure if this reply is relevant but here goes.I am in my late 40's male celebrating 25th.wedding anniversary in August.We have 3 children aged 21/18/14.I have spent a couple of hours planning a 2.5 week holiday to the Canadian Rockies this July minus the teenagers. to mark anniversary.I took an early retirement package at 49.took a year out to do a part time course at University.My wife finishes work at 300p.m goes immediately for an hours walk with her female friends.I have dinner ready for her when she returns after walk and have collected teenagers from school.I do all the house chores[easy for me -no kids at home.I get to do my running training during the day,study a bit,on the way to becoming a personal trainer.My income has dropped by half even though my pension lump sum has enabled me to buy an investment property.
We found it very difficult when the children were small but there is light at the end of the tunnel.When I watched the 1st programme of Surgeons on R.T.E.recently,there was an amazing woman on the programme-a separated mother of 2 children who was undergoing brain surgery for the 2nd.time with a possibility of loosing her speech.She was so positive,upbeat and optimistic that it would put one to shame with small concerns.Not sure if the above is relevant to your thread.
We are in our Forthies and have been through these stresses and strains,We have three grown up kids and there have been many times that we've thought will there be light at the end of the tunnell ! In truth I think every couple go through these situations and really its part of the whole package of a relationship. But I am very happy to say to my experience that the vast % of people come through this phase of life and to be honest it is so important to be straight and honest while being sensitive and loving to your partners thoughts or needs. He or she can sometimes need space to think and importantly a listening ear to hear them out.
If regular babysitters are too expensive would an older or retired person be an option (if you know/get to know them well enough to consider them capable). Some are great with children and would love the chance to be 'needed'.